ZBD2000轻型履带式伞兵步战车是履带式伞兵步战车。 从2005年中俄联合军演照片上看,该车为全焊接车体,新型履带式伞兵步战车采用的是动力舱前置结构,中部为炮塔,后部为载员舱。
ZBD-2000 IFV (2005) - tank-afv.com
The ZBD-2000 is an all-welded steel armor, massive vehicle at 5.18m in lenght, 2.74m in width and 3.04m in height (army-technology.com), with sufficient accommodations for housing height to ten equipped marines, a powerful diesel for extended range and exceptional speed when swimming for "over the horizon" assaults, and extra buoyancy.
NORINCO ZBD2000 (Z-Series) Amphibious ARV / IFV / Light Tank
2022年4月23日 · The ZBD2000 is intended for transporting combat ready infantry under protection from small arms fire with a modest armament load to which the powered rear door assists in providing unfettered access in and out of the fighting compartment.
中國 ZBD 2000兩棲運輸車 - mdc.idv.tw
在2000 年,中國軍方要求軍工部門,立即研製一種新型兩棲裝甲車輛;依照軍方論證報告要求,新兩棲裝甲車主要用於海上渡航登陸作戰,並要求在水面上的航速必須是現役裝備的兩倍以上,此外也必須一併展包含兩棲突擊車、步兵戰車、指揮車、救護車等多個型號的族系,滿足兩棲登陸作戰的各種需求;由於發展新型兩棲裝甲車是因應2000年世界局勢的變化,例如台灣方面主張台獨的民進黨在2000年首次執政、中國必須以武力台灣的可能性增加,所以軍方要求此種新兩 …
ZBD2000/ZTD-05/VN16 - Army Guide
The new ZBD2000 amphibious fighting vehicle is similar to the U.S. Expeditionary Fight Vehicle (EFV) in concept, though the former is fitted with heavier armour protection. The vehicle was designed to be launched at sea, from an amphibious assault ship 10km or more offshore, capable of high-speed (>25 knots) travelling to shore.
ZBD2000/ZBD-05/VN18 - Army Guide
Army Guide - information about the main battle tanks, armoured vehicles and armament of the land forces and also the information concerning other army subjects - ZBD2000/ZBD-05/VN18, Infantry fighting vehicle, Armoured Vehicles
ZBD2000 | Military Wiki | Fandom
ZBD2000 was the many of amphibious armoured vehicles developed for the PLA Marine Corps. The vehicle was an alternative to the Type 63A amphibious tank introduced in the late 1990s. It features a hydroplane, and has been compared to the US Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV).
ZBD-2000 - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年6月12日 · The ZBD2000 uses a planning hull propelled by two water jets achieving water travelling speed much greater than any current amphibious armoured vehicle in the PLA Marine Corps, on top of its ...
俄媒称ZBD-2000伞兵战车完全由中国自行研制_CCTV.com_中国中 …
2008年9月19日 · 俄罗斯《装甲车辆网》日前刊文对我国ZBD-2000型伞兵战车的研制过程和性能进行了介绍与分析。 该文指出,为了提高解放军空降兵部队的作战能力,中国从上世纪90年代中期开始积极研制和建造新型伞兵战车。 有消息称,中国还就引进此类战车的生产技术与俄罗斯方面进行了谈判。 在2000-2005年期间,中国人对自行研制的伞兵战车进行了测试,同时,K/STW-17型战车无货台空投系统的研制工作也于2004年完成。 由中国独立研制的ZBD-2000型伞兵战车 …