Zebra finch - Wikipedia
Zebra finches are more social than many migratory birds, generally traveling in small bands and sometimes gathering in larger groups. [13] They are one of the bird species that is able to learn new vocalizations and have become a dominant model species in the study of vocal learning. [14]
Zebra Finch — Full Profile, History, and Care - The Spruce Pets
2020年1月19日 · The zebra finch (chestnut-eared finch) is one of easiest of pet bird species to keep—perfect for beginners or those who do not have a lot of time.
The Zebra Finch: Size, Personality, Diet, Lifespan, and More - WebMD
2025年1月20日 · The zebra finch bird is soft gray, with red eyes, "tear drop" markings (small black lines running straight down under each eye), and bright orange legs and beak. The male zebra finch has a deeper...
Zebra Finch: The Complete Guide, Facts & Care - Beakful of Birds
2023年5月25日 · Zebra finches are colorful small birds known for their cheery personalities and melodious songs. In this article, I’m covering everything you need to know about zebra finches, including their characteristics, lifespan, habitat, personality, breeding, and care tips.
zeba - eBird
Common in varied wooded and forested habitats, parks, gardens, farmland with hedges and scattered trees. Forms flocks in winter; often visits garden feeders. Handsome, brightly colored male is distinctive, with bluish cowl, pink face and breast, black-and-white wing pattern (colors muted in winter). Female much drabber but shares male pattern; especially note the complex wing pattern. Both ...
Zebra Finch Animal Facts - Taeniopygia guttata - A-Z Animals
2024年5月27日 · This finch is a small bird, measuring no more than 4 inches in length, with a plump body, short beak, and slender legs. There is a strong element of sexual variation in the plumage. Males exhibit an unusual patchwork of colors, including a gray hooded head, a striped black and white tail that gives it the name, orange patches on the cheek and ...
Zebra Finch - The Australian Museum
With a time-span of 70 to 80 days from hatching to becoming sexually active, the Zebra Finch is one of the fastest maturing bird species recorded. Zebra Finches are mainly grey, with characteristic black 'tear drop' eye stripes and 'zebra like' black and white barring on …
Zebra Finch - eBird
Small finch with bright orange bill and a distinctive black-and-white “moustache” mark. Adult male gray above, with barred grayish bib, rusty white-spotted flanks, and black-and-white tail pattern. Female smooth gray to buff on the chest and belly; juvenile similar but with a dark gray bill.
Zebra Finch - Susan Clubb
Zebra finches are good pet birds for all ages but are especially appealing to older people as they provide lively color and song to the home. They are an excellent starter bird for children and especially young aviculturists who want to learn first hand about breeding birds.
Zebra Finch - BirdLife Australia
Bird Overview. Because they often live in harsh, arid and semi-arid habitats, Zebra Finches make the most of infrequent wet periods when they occur. It takes only a small quantity of rainfall to send these birds into a breeding frenzy, rapidly building nests and raising broods of …