Where does Zed appear after he ults you? : r/zedmains - Reddit
I never really understood the saying that "Zed will always appear behind you". I keep on missing crucial spells after he ults such as Yasuo tornado, Ahri charm, and Zoe sleep. What exactly does it mean "Zed will always appear behind you". I keep on throwing the spell in the opposite direction im running during the 0.75s Death mark is being applied.
Zed Nerfs : r/zedmains - Reddit
Because Zed's Q does reduced if it's hit a unit first, that double Q will not do that much DMG at all . And E dmg is already insignificant. I started building crit on zed just lately bcuz 3Q E caster zed won't be able to 100-0 target . But a 60%crit Infinity edge Zed auto hits like and then it doesn't matter if you hit Q or na.
Are you going to play Zed this season After the Nerfs?
2022年1月12日 · This nerf is a total overkill which, if it will help with his banrate, i dont think it would be so big of a change. Like still Zed will be one of the most fun champions in this game for me, but damn, after this nerfs it feels like murder of a champ. Rest in peace my Shadow Boi
Zed.dev if you're coming from VSCode. : r/webdev - Reddit
2024年3月13日 · Definitely fast, but just milliseconds anyway. Fast feedback does feel nice though. But I'm running on an M3 Max currently so I wouldn't really say VSCode is slow either. Opening a project via `zed .` vs `code .` is night and day though. Zed is faster. - Extensions. Currently it only is able to extend: Grammar, Theme, and Languages.
How do I beat Zed? : r/QiyanaMains - Reddit
2022年3月19日 · Pre 6: Stay behind minions to make sure zed weq does less damage. Try to dodge at least 1 q. After weq of zed, wait for the shadow to disappear. If zed is full health then e to minion then qwq. If zed is 75-50% health, e to minion q zed, w forward then auto attack him with w passive until killable with q ignite.
How do you guys feel about Zed after this update - Reddit
Good zed players are going to get divine. I think the nerf was needed but the new item is going to keep him in a state of kill yo ass quickly and get out free Reply reply
ways to buff trashcan zed : r/zedmains - Reddit
2019年5月18日 · after the hard nerfs riot did , zed is now a completly trash champ, losing every trade even against a kassadin, so there is a way i think they should buff him and make him more rewarding: - hitting 2Qs reduce living shadow by 4 second and hitting 3 Qs reduce living shadow by 6 seconds - E energy cost cost 50/45/40/35/30
ekko vs zed : r/ekkomains - Reddit
2020年12月27日 · idk if this is just due to the fact that i’m gold 4 or them just being bad but i’ve personally never lost lane to a zed after i hit 6, i always let them push even if it means i have to give up some of my cs, and i stand behind minions a lot so his q does less damage, whenever i see he has no w i go in for a trade which should be easy for me since he has no combo or escape, i also rarely do ...
[Pulp Fiction] After Marsellus shoots Zed in basement of the
[Pulp Fiction] After Marsellus shoots Zed in basement of the pawn shop, he tells Butch that he's going to "call a couple hard, pipe-hittin' n***s, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch".
Zed's exact ult combo? : r/summonerschool - Reddit
2020年4月30日 · Zed After ulting, what is the exact ideal kill combo including autos? I read that it's also crucial to land an auto after they have <50% hp. Any tips on how to smoothen the combo too? What i mean is that after ulting, i find it hard to follow myself and landing all the shurike