Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" - SCP Database Wiki
MTF ζ-9 (Zeta-9), nicknamed "Mole Rats", is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation that specializes in the exploration and containment of underground areas and non-Euclidean …
MTF Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats") - scp-personnel-database.fandom.com
MTF Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats") is a Mobile Task Force, specializing in the investigation, exploration, and containment of underground or enclosed areas exhibiting anomalous phenomena, …
MTF Ζ-9 ("Mole Rats") | RBreach Wiki | Fandom
The goal of MTF Zeta-9 is to investigate and contain underground or enclosed areas that exhibit anomalous activites. They appear to be wearing olive green camoflauge uniforms, gas masks, …
Mobile Task Forces | SCP- EXPLAIN Wikia | Fandom
Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 specializes in the investigation, exploration, and containment of underground or enclosed areas exhibiting anomalous phenomena, particularly those with …
MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" | SCP Facility Lockdown Wiki | Fandom
MTF Zeta-9 Riflemen have a random chance to be equipped with 2 Medkits and 1 Flashbang. There are two to three kinds of Mole Rats in-game (Depending on suit color). The …
Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" - SCPOneCanonProject Wiki
Mobile Task Force Zeta-9, codenamed "Mole Rats", is a mobile task force that specializes in the investigation, exploration, and containment of underground or enclosed areas exhibiting …
Mobile Task Forces | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are a type of Task Force that is deployed to contain, combat, and/or protect anomalies and Groups of Interest. Each task force is made up of highly-trained …
Mole Rat | SCP Daybreak Wiki | Fandom
Mobile Task Force Zeta-9, also known as "Mole Rats" are a Mobile Task Force specializing in investigating, exploring and containing anomalous underground or otherwise enclosed areas …
Zeta-9/SCP-1730 Exploration Mission - SCPOneCanonProject Wiki
Following five exhaustive explorations into SCP-1730, Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" was assigned for exploration of the facility due to their proficiency with operating in enclosed, …
Mole Rats | SCP: Facility Lockdown Wiki | Fandom
Zeta-9 is a group consisting of trained personnel that are specialised in investigation, exploration, and containment of underground or enclosed areas exhibiting anomalous phenomena, …
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