Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
MTF ζ-9 (Zeta-9), nicknamed "Mole Rats", is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation that specializes in the exploration and containment of underground areas and non-Euclidean spaces that host anomalies. Fireteam ECHO Fireteam Eleven - Commander Brett - Agent C. Caputo - …
MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" | SCP Facility Lockdown Wiki | Fandom
MTF Zeta-9 Riflemen have a random chance to be equipped with 2 Medkits and 1 Flashbang. There are two to three kinds of Mole Rats in-game (Depending on suit color). The Commander's Flamethrower can quickly take down an offensive against SCP-106 with its highly increased damage towards SCP-106.
SCP机动特遣队全员简介『超详细』 - 哔哩哔哩
机动特遣队(MTF)是由从基金会各部门中抽调的人员组成的精英单位,调动以处理特殊威胁或某些时候超过普通外勤人员处理能力或专业范围的情况并——如它们的名字所示——可能在需要时会在设施或地点之间调动。 机动特遣队在基金会里代表“精英中的精英”。 机动特遣队的规模,构成和目标各不相同。 一个营级规模的战斗型特遣队被训练应对高侵略性个体,可能包含上百名士兵以及支援人员,车辆,和装备并能整个或部分部署到全球来处理威胁。 尽管如此,并非所有机动 …
MTF Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats") | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 specializes in the investigation, exploration, and containment of underground or enclosed areas exhibiting anomalous phenomena, particularly …
SCP基金会系列 机动特遣队 Zeta-9 “鼹鼠” | Hpoi手办维基
2023年2月6日 · 中文名称:SCP基金会系列 机动特遣队 Zeta-9 “鼹鼠”
Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" - Fandom
Mobile Task Force Zeta-9, codenamed "Mole Rats", is a mobile task force that specializes in the investigation, exploration, and containment of underground or enclosed areas exhibiting anomalous phenomena, particularly those with inconsistent topography or unstable spacetime.
SCP基金会系列 机动特遣队 Zeta-9 “鼹鼠” | Hpoi手办维基
Dragon Horse SCP基金会系列 机动特遣队 Zeta-9 “鼹鼠”开订 10780日元含税 2023年5月出荷. 配件内容: 对讲机x 1. 垂直握把x 1. 匕首x 1. 步枪消音器x 1. 斧头x 1. HK416突击步枪x 1. 激光瞄准器(行位)x 1. 战术手型x 4对. 资讯、资料,舔图、晒图,共同建设一个属于大家的手办模型中文 …
MTF Zeta-9 | The Divine Moth Chronicles Wiki | Fandom
Mobile task force Zeta-9, designated "Mole Rats" is a SCP foundation task force unit, specialized in investigating, exploring and containment of paranormal holes, underground areas, or enclosed area's containing anomalous properties. The Mole Rats have one of the highest death rates due to most of their designated areas have keter scp's.
Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" - Database 42
2025年1月19日 · Mole Rats specializes in the investigation, exploration, and containment of underground or enclosed areas exhibiting anomalous phenomena, particularly those with inconsistent topography or unstable spacetime. Following is a partial dossier of Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" operatives: Commander: Robert Winston - Active.
zeta9_mini的动态 - 哔哩哔哩
编辑于 2022年07月16日 12:52