ZPU - Wikipedia
The single-barrel ZPU-1 is carried on a two-wheeled carriage and can be broken down into several 80-kilogram pieces for transport over rough ground. Versions of the weapon are built in China, North Korea and Romania.
KPV heavy machine gun - Wikipedia
ZGU-1 single-barreled pack mount (Russian: ЗГУ, romanized: ZGU, an initialism for Зенитная горная установка, 'Mountain Anti-Aircraft Mount').
Operation, export and combat use of Chinese 14,5-mm anti …
2024年12月18日 · During the Vietnam War, Chinese intelligence managed to deliver a Soviet-made 14,5mm ZGU-1 mount to China, where it was studied and copied. Work on creating a Chinese version of the ZGU-1, which began in 1975, was completed in 1980, and the mount was adopted by the PLA under the designation Type 75.
2024年12月18日 · ZGU-1在穿甲能力和子弹破坏力方面明显优于12,7毫米机枪,能够在苏联DShKM和中国54式无法到达的范围内到达敌方飞机和直升机。
而我国之前得到了越南方面提供的ZGU-1高射机枪样品,于是在同一年,轻型单管14.5mm高射机枪又立了项,要求机枪的总重不超过150公斤。 生产研发任务交给了356厂,但正式定型已经是1975年了,西贡都被拿下了,投产则要等到1981年。
2021年10月12日 · 在越南战争期间,中国专家有机会详细研究苏联 14,5-mm 高射机枪安装座 ZGU-1。 该装置于 1956 年成功通过了现场测试,但并未进入批量生产。 人们记得在 1960 年代后期,当时迫切需要能够在丛林游击战中有效对抗美国飞机的防空武器。
ZPU-1 | Weaponsystems.net
The ZPU-1 is a lightweight two wheel mount for a single towed mount for the 14.5mm KPV belt-fed heavy machine gun. The two wheel mount has two small pneumatic tires which are raised in the firing position.
Service and combat use of Chinese anti-aircraft machine gun ...
2021年10月12日 · During the Vietnam War, Chinese specialists had the opportunity to study in detail the Soviet 14,5-mm anti-aircraft machine gun mount ZGU-1. This installation in 1956 successfully passed field tests, but did not enter mass production.
ZPU-1 Single-Barrel, Towed Anti-Aircraft (AA) Gun System
2020年9月29日 · The ZPU-1 was nothing more than a single-barreled version of the successful ZPU anti-aircraft family line mounting the Soviet 14.5mm KPV heavy machine gun. The weapon system was designed as a cost-effective anti-aircraft system to counter low-flying aircraft within reach of a 14.5mm heavy caliber system.