Zhan AI
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Jingtao Zhan
My name is Jingtao Zhan (詹靖涛, in Chinese). I am now a forth year PhD student at Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. My supervisors are Prof. Shaoping Ma and Prof. Yiqun Liu. My research interests lie in building intelligent information systems, which primarily comprise two parts.
Wei Zhan
Wei Zhan serves as a Co-Director of Berkeley DeepDrive, one of the leading research centers in the field of AI for autonomy and mobility involving many Berkeley faculty and industrial partners. He is an Assistant Professional Researcher at UC Berkeley leading a team of Ph.D. students and Postdocs conducting research.
Stephanie Zhan: Dreaming of daily life with superintelligent AI
AI is advancing fast, so why hasn’t it revolutionized your daily life? AI expert and investor Stephanie Zhan explores the collective race to superintelligence, where AI moves beyond assistance to autonomy, and shows why the future of AI isn't just smart — it's transformative.
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Biography - 詹仙园 ZHAN Xianyuan
Dr. Xianyuan Zhan is a research associate professor at the Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR), Tsinghua University. He received a dual Master’s degree in Computer Science and Transportation Engineering, and a PhD degree in Transportation Engineering …
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