Zu Xing Ying (Zhan Kong) - Versatile Mage Wiki
Zhan Kong (born Zu Xing Ying 祖星毅) is big brother-friend of Mo Fan and an Military officer. He wanted Mo Fan to join the military when he found out Mo Fan has Innate Dual Elements. He paved the High-Tier Mage path for Zhang Xiao Hou.
大连理工大学主页平台管理系统 亢战--中文主页--首页
Zhan Kang*, Xiaopeng Zhang, Shigang Jiang, Gengdong Cheng. On topology optimization of damping layer in shell structures under harmonic excitations. Structural and Multidisciplinary...
Zhenglun Kong - Google Scholar
Z Zhan*, Z Kong*, Y Gong, Y Wu, Z Meng, H Zheng, X Shen, S Ioannidis, ... NeurIPS 2024, 2024. 15 * 2024: Edgeqat: Entropy and distribution guided quantization-aware training for the acceleration of lightweight llms on the edge. X Shen, Z Kong, C Yang, Z Han, L Lu, P Dong, C Lyu, C Li, X Guo, Z Shu, ...
广州展控机电设备有限公司是一家专业从事机器人维修维护,自动化设备电气系统维修改造的高科技公司,座落科学城在广园快速路附近,其服务包括世界各知名工控产品的代理销售、产品选... 23-12-14 西门子伺服驱动器6SL3130-... 23-12-14 西门子驱动器6SL3120-1T... 23-10-17 专业维修等离子处理器TZ-DLZ... 西门子伺服驱动... 北尔触摸屏H-... 安川伺服驱动器... 雷欧REOTR... 北尔触摸屏X2... 川崎机器人示教... 发那M-710... 发那科机器人故... 发那科放大器A... EZ600-T... …
Zhan Kang 亢战 - Google Scholar
Z Kang, X Zhang, S Jiang, G Cheng. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 46 (1), 51-67, 2012. 176: 2012: Structural topology optimization based on non-local Shepard interpolation of density field. Z Kang, Y Wang. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 200 (49-52), 3515-3525, 2011. 175:
张康教授从事眼科学、干细胞、医学人工智能、生物材料和3D打印、遗传学以及精准医学领域40余年,在 Nature 、 Cell 、 Science 、New England Journal of Medicine等顶级期刊,总引用67000余次,H指数105,近5年连续入选 科睿唯安 (Clarivate Analytics)全球高被引学者(Highly-Cited Researchers),全球顶尖前10万科学家排名“中国眼科领域第一名”。 [5] 张康教授在 四川大学 获得生物化学学士学位,随后赴美,成为新中国成立以来 哈佛大学 和 麻省理工 …
孔祥祯 | Cognomics Lab-浙江大学个人主页
邮箱 [email protected] ; 地址 紫金港校区海纳苑3幢
Bio - Zhan Zhao - Homepage
Dr. Zhan Zhao is an Assistant Professor based in the Department of Urban Planning and Design (DUPAD) at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He is also an affiliated member at the Urban Systems Institute (USI) and Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science (IDS) at HKU.
Xiang-Zhen Kong (孔祥祯) - Google Scholar
W Li, X Li, L Huang, X Kong, W Yang, D Wei, J Li, H Cheng, Q Zhang, ... Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 10 (2), 191-198, 2015. 252: 2015: Mapping brain asymmetry in health and disease through the ENIGMA consortium. XZ Kong, MC Postema, T Guadalupe, C de Kovel, PSW Boedhoe, ...
Zhan KANG | Professor | Dr. -Ing. | Dalian University of …
Structural optimization under uncertainty; topology optimization; non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization; robust design optimization; piezoelectric structures. The ellipsoid convex...
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