Homepage of Lun ZHANG
I am a professor of mathematics in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Fudan University.
张仑 - Fudan University
基本信息姓名张仑英文名:Zhang,lun职称:教授(博士生导师)研究方向:Riemann-Hilbert问题,随机矩阵,渐进分析,逼近论主讲课程:代表论著:个人主 …
Lun Zhang - Google Scholar
School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University - Cited by 939 - Riemann-Hilbert problems and asymptotic analysis - random matrices - (multiple) orthogonal polynomials and special …
Zhan-Lun Chang - Google Scholar
Purdue University - Cited by 38 - Wireless Communication - Resource Allocation - Game Theory - Edge Computing - Federated Learning
Zhan-Lun Chang - Research Assistant - Purdue University | LinkedIn
2021年4月15日 · I am actively looking for 2025 Spring/Summer AI/ML Research Internship. I am a Ph.D. student at Purdue University, advised by Prof. Christopher G. Brinton and President …
GitHub Pages - Zhan Ling
Currently, my primary goal is to create an LLM/VLM-based reasoning agent capable of achieving superhuman performance on challenging problems, such as solving advanced math and …
zhang lun - Google 学术搜索
Computer Vision–ACCV 2018: 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Perth … HAN Jinglu, C Zhang, Y Cai, Y Zhu, P Dong, B Qiang, QI Yitong, Z Lin, ...
张仑 - Fudan University
姓名 张仑 英文名: Zhang, lun 职称: 副研究员 办公室: 2122 办公电话: 021-55665565 E-mail: [email protected] 研究方向: Riemann-Hilbert问题,随机矩阵,渐进分析,逼近 …
【Prof. Lun Zhang(张伦)】-北京大学新闻与传播学院
Lun Zhang is currently an associate professor at Beijing Normal University. She obtained her PhD degree in communication (2011) from City University of Hong Kong. Her current research …
Federated Learning with Dynamic Client Arrival and Departure:...
Building on our probabilistic framework that provides direct insights into how the arrival and departure of different types of clients influence the shifts in optimal points, we establish an …