Louis Vuitton Men’s China Spin-off Show Sets New Livestream …
2022年9月17日 · Produced by Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke and directed by up-and-coming auteur Wei Shujun, “Mirage” portrayed a boy’s travels from the edge of the Gobi Desert to Aranya’s 320-meter runway. The...
ZAO/standardarchitecture 标准营造
2010年2月6日 · Founded by Zhang Ke in 2001, ZAO/standardarchitecture is a leading new generation design firm engaged in practices of planning, architecture, landscape, and product design.
LOUIS VUITTON 2023春夏男装系列大秀 - 案例 - ONSITECLUB - 体 …
2022年9月16日 · “阿那亚”源自梵语Aranya,原意为“人间寂静处,找回本我的地方”。 其文化属性与Virgil Abloh所秉承的创意理念不谋而合,旨在不断创造多元化的表达形式。
网红阿那亚,从“一手烂牌”到中产标配_澎湃号·湃客_澎湃新闻-The …
2023年7月5日 · 阿那亚,梵语Aranya的音译,意思是“人间寂静处,找回本我的地方”。 在阿那亚,空间、光影、线条,海、阳光、沙滩,都为艺术感服务。 灰色水泥墙、简单的线条,两层高的图书馆伫立在沙滩上,与海为伴。
Inside Louis Vuitton’s Aranya festival: An on-the-ground strategy …
2022年9月17日 · Louis Vuitton staged its third spin-off runway show in China on Friday, set in artsy coastal community Aranya in the northern city of Qinhuangdao. The experiential show emphasised the French luxury house’s investment in a more localised strategy in the region as it tries to emerge from pandemic-era lockdowns.
Louis Vuitton Men’s SS23 Aranya, China Spin-Off Show - Hypebeast
2022年9月16日 · The show started with a cinematic prelude titled Mirage, by Chinese directors Jia Zhangke and Wei Shujun, who also served as directors of the show. Shot in Dunhuang in the Gobi Desert, the film...
#LVMenSS23 in Aranya, China “Mirage”. Created by film ... - Facebook
#LVMenSS23 in Aranya, China “Mirage”. Created by film directors Jia Zhangke and Wei Shujun, a cinematic prelude to the upcoming Louis Vuitton show... |...
从烂尾楼到狂销 30 亿,阿那亚是怎么做到的? - 知乎
位于河北省秦皇岛市北戴河新区黄金海岸腹地的阿那亚,梵语 aranya 的音译,意为远离尘嚣的静谧之处。 对于北京中产来说,是一个乌托邦。 2017 年,在社交媒体爆火的阿那亚吸引了一众年轻人的好奇和关注,也是这一年…
关于 ABOUT - 阿那亚戏剧节
Aranya Theater Festival eliminates the boundaries of art with the most diverse, contemporary, open, inclusive and forms, where hundreds of artists from drama, literature, music, dance, architecture and other fields co-create and coexist, creating a unique ocean of art.
Louis Vuitton | #LVMenSS23 in Aranya, China “Mirage ... - Instagram
32K likes, 106 comments - louisvuitton on September 15, 2022: "#LVMenSS23 in Aranya, China “Mirage”. Created by film directors Jia Zhangke and Wei Shujun, a cinematic prelude to the upcoming #LouisVuitton show portrays themes of childhood and discovery on the edge of the Gobi Desert, a contemporary meeting between East and West.