Home - ZHIDOU Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.
Over the past 12 years, Zhidou, a business that specialises in micro-electric vehicles, has focused all of its efforts on exporting their goods to various nations. Zhidou has a presence in 30 nations, including well-known markets like Germany and Italy, and has effectively sold more than 100,000 devices globally.
Zhidou D2 - Wikipedia
The Zhidou D2 is an all-electric car that is manufactured by the Chinese manufacturer Zhi Dou Electric Vehicle Corporation [4] —sometimes called Zhidou Auto or ZD Auto. [5][4] They were also used by car sharing company Sharengo in Milan and other Italian cities [6] since 2013.
Zhidou - Wikipedia
Zhidou (Chinese: 知豆; pinyin: zhīdòu) is a Chinese manufacturer of electric microcars, tricycles and scooters based in Hangzhou operating since 2015. In June 2015, the company Zhidou established.
Electric Vehicles - ZHIDOU Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.
Zidou is a manufacturer of electric vehicles designed to provide convenient urban mobility solutions for city dwellers. If you are interested in learning more about the Zhidou electric vehicle, or if you have any questions or feedback about our products, we invite you to get in touch with us.
Rainbow - ZHIDOU Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.
With its sleek and modern exterior, the Zhidou Rainbow combines style and functionality. Powered by an efficient electric system, the Rainbow is equipped with a 17.3 kWh battery pack, delivering reliable power and an impressive range. Its outstanding performance in urban areas is complemented by excellent handling and maneuverability.
Elektromobily Zhidou
Elektromobil ZhiDou Vám zaručí najekonomickejší presun v rámci mesta a z blízkeho okolia. Jazda so Zhidou je lacnejšia ako hromadná preprava. ZhiDou elektromobily viete nabiť takmer všade: doma cez klasickú 230V zásuvku, v hoteli prípadne v práci.
Zhi Dou (窦智)
My name is Zhi Dou (窦智), which carries the meaning of "fight with wisdom" in Chinese. I am a Ph.D. Student and Research Assistant specializing in Aviation Management in the School of Aviation and Transportation Technology at Purdue University. My advisor is Dr. Yi Gao.
Zhi Dou
Elektromobil ZhiDou Vám zaručí najekonomickejší presun v rámci mesta a z blízkeho okolia. Jazda so ZD je lacnejšia ako hromadná preprava. ZhiDou elektromobily viete nabiť takmer všade: doma cez klasickú 230V zásuvku, v hoteli prípadne v práci.
Elektromobily ZhiDou
Plné nabití elektromobilu ZhiDou vás vyjde (dle tarifu) na cca 30 Kč, přičemž získáte dojezd až 257 km, dle typu vozidla. 100% elektromobil má minimální servisní náklady ve srovnání se spalovacími motory – neměníte olej, svíčky atd. Už v základu vás …
Zhi Dou - Google Scholar
Purdue University - Aviation - Transportation - Transportation Economics
A01 - ZHIDOU Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.
The Zhidou A01 is a stylish and eco-friendly electric car that combines sleek exterior design with exquisite interior details. It embodies modern style and taste, making it a perfect choice for those who seek to make a statement.
Zhi DOU | Professor | Doctor of Philosophy - ResearchGate
Zhi DOU, Professor | Cited by 703 | of Hohai University, Nanjing | Read 59 publications | Contact Zhi DOU
Elektromobily ZhiDou - zd-cars.cz
Elektromobily ZhiDou Vám zaručí nejekonomičtější přesun v rámci města a z blízkeho okolí. Jízda se ZhiDou je levnější než městská hromadná doprava. ZhiDou elektromobily můžete dobít téměř všude: doma přes klasickou 230V zásuvku, v hotelu, případně v práci.
Vyvíjeli především kompaktní elektromobil pro městský provoz, se kterým je jednoduché kdekoliv zaparkovat, ale hlavně elektromobil, který bude dostupný pro každého. Nazvali jej „Moudrá fazole“ – ZHI DOU. Elektromobily ZHI DOU byly původně určeny pouze pro evropský trh.
O Zhidou
ZHIDOU Electric Vehicle Co, Ltd (ZHIDOU) je skupno podjetje, ki ga je ustanovila skupina Geely Holding Group, XDY Stroji in Electronics Group in GSR Ventures. Ima registriran kapital v višini 1,1 milijarde, več kot 2.600 zaposlenih, 176 domače uporabljenih patentov, 5 izumov in 10 avtorskih pravic programske opreme.
Elektromobil ZhiDou D1 - e-car.sk
Auto jede po rovině max 83 km/h, z kopce se rozeběhne i na 90, ale to tam začne pískat signál o překročení max. otáček motoru. Z plného nabití při "lehké" noze na plynu se s tím dá ujet 100 km. Podle měřiče spotřeby do zásuvky, který vlastním, to nabíjí výkonem 2150 W a z 0 na 100% nabití to vezme 10,5 kWh.
Eye to Eye with the Zhi Dou D2 EV in China
Mar 22, 2016 · This is the Zhi Dou D2, a small two-seat electric vehicle from China, wearing a cow wrap. The D2 was launched on the Chinese car market last June for 49.800 yuan including all subsidies.
B01 - ZHIDOU Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.
Zhidou Electric Vehicle, a joint venture by Geely Holding Group, XDY Machinery, and GSR Ventures, offers economic and eco-friendly electric cars with a global R&D and manufacturing presence. The Zhidou B01 has a monocoque body structure with two doors [1].
Repair And Maintenance - ZHIDOU Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.
For the best urban driving experience, order your ZHIDOU pure EV right away. You’ll draw attention on the road thanks to our cutting-edge technology, chic design, and superior performance. Additionally, feel secure in your investment because …
ZhiDou D2S - Electric Vehicles Database
ZhiDou D2S - Specs, Review, Price. ZhiDou D2S - Electrical Output Car In 30 kW, Torque 90 Nm, Body Style - ,
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