Zhonghua - Wikipedia
Zhōnghuá, Chung¹-hua² or Chunghwa (simplified Chinese: 中华; traditional Chinese: 中華) is a term that indicates a relation to, or descent from " China " or " Chinese civilisation ", in a cultural, ethnic, or literary sense, derived from the historical concept of …
Zhonghua minzu - Wikipedia
Zhonghua minzu (Chinese: 中華民族; pinyin: Zhōnghuá mínzú; Wade–Giles: Chung 1-hua 2 min 2-tsu 2) is a political term in modern Chinese nationalism related to the concepts of nation-building, ethnicity, and race in the Chinese nationality.
《郭公案》为清代的武侠公案小说,共有编则,讲述了郭公经历的各种案例。 分为欺昧、人命、谋害、劫盗、赖骗、伸冤、奸淫、霸占。 全书故事短小精焊文字简.. 从古老文明的第一声号子起,中国历史经历了五千年漫长而耐人寻味的过程,其间既有繁荣辉煌,也有曲折艰难,过去的历史的积累,铸成了今天灿烂的现代文明。 通过学习和了解中国历史,人们可以从王朝的兴衰演变中体会生存的智慧,从叱咤风云的历史人物经历中感悟人生真谛。
Zhonghua minzu - New World Encyclopedia
Zhonghua minzu (Chinese: 中华民族; Pinyin: Zhōnghuá Mínzú), is a Chinese term that refers to the modern notion of a Chinese nationality transcending ethnic divisions, with a central identity to China as a whole. It includes peoples who have historically interacted, contributed and assimilated to various extents with Chinese civilization.
Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture
The ancestors of the Huaxia people established their state in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, which they thought was the center (zhong) of the world and which had a flourishing culture (hua), so the state was called Zhonghua. This multi-ethnic state, with the Huaxia people as the predominant group of its population, later ...
中华书局有限公司 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
中华书局有限公司,通称 中华书局,是 中华人民共和国 一家从事书籍出版发行业务的 国有企业,是中华人民共和国最大的古籍文献出版社之一。 总部位于 北京市。 中華書局廣州分局原址。 廣州 聯合書店,為原中華書局廣州分局舊址。 樓宇在香港 聯合出版集團 (中華書局(香港)有限公司為集團成員)斥資維修及重現原貌後啟用作為書店。 1911年 辛亥革命 前夕,当时任 商务印书馆 出版部主任的 陆费逵 与 戴克敦 、 陈寅 等约请编辑人员秘密编写新教科书 [1]。
中国历史时间轴 - 《中华上下五千年》 - zhonghua.5000yan.com
通过学习和了解中国历史,人们可以从王朝的兴衰演变中体会生存的智慧,从叱咤风云的历史人物经历中感悟人生真谛。 中国远古时代指的是夏、商、周以前的时代,距今4000年以上,在中国,重庆市巫山县发现的“巫山人”化石,有200万年的历史。 是中国史书中记载的第一个世袭制朝代。 夏时期的文物中有一定数量的青铜和玉制的礼器,年代约在新石器时代晚期、青铜时代初期,一般认为夏朝是多个部落联盟或复杂酋邦形式的国家。 中国历史上的第二个朝代,是中国第一 …
那些表示“中国”的词,都是怎么翻译的 - 知乎
Zhonghua refers to China. Under the wise rule of the sage king, all his subjects belong to China. They are dressed in a dignified manner, practice filial piety, love and respect the elderly, and follow moral norms in personal and social conduct. This is the country called Zhonghua.
中華 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年2月11日 · In traditional East Asian thought, 華 / 华 (Huá) or 中華 / 中华 (Zhōnghuá), often translated as "Chinese", has a philosophical connotation of civilizedness and decorous behavior that transcends a strictly ethnic definition.
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