Home | Zhu Yuxin 朱雨芯
Welcome! You may find to Zhu Yuxin's artworks in different styles (Chinese Traditional, Western, Digital, 3D, Still/Moving Image, Video, etc.), Creative Writings, as well as something beyond art (Engineering Designs and other projects).
Zhu Yu Xin (祝雨辛) - MyDramaList
Zhu Yu Xin (祝雨辛); Chinese; She's a Chinese actress who went to the Central Academy of Drama and has starred in various projects such as Court Battle, You
Artwork | Zhu Yuxin 朱雨芯
You may find to Zhu Yuxin's artworks in different styles (Chinese Traditional, Western, Digital, 3D, Still/Moving Image, Video, etc.), Creative Writings, as well as something beyond art (Engineering Designs and other projects).
Zhu Yu Xin - DramaWiki
Name: 祝雨辛 / Zhu Yu Xin; English name: Eva; Also known as: 祝捷 / Zhu Jie; Profession: Actress; Birthdate: 1975-Jun-05 (age 47) Birthplace: China; Height: 172cm; Weight: 54kg; Star sign: Gemini; Blood type: B; TV Series. You Are My Destiny (2020) Anti Fraud League (2019) Lookism (2019) Court Battle (2019) The Kidnappers (2019) Love ...
祝雨辛-Zhu Yu Xin - iQiyi
祝雨辛 (祝雨辛 Zhu Yu Xin), 中国大陆, 祝雨辛,演员,毕业于中央戏剧学院表演系。曾是总政歌舞团舞蹈演员,香港TVB8娱乐节目主持人。2017年8月,其参演的都市爱情喜剧《人间至味是清欢》播出。
Highlights | Zhu Yuxin 朱雨芯
Zhu Yuxin 朱雨芯. Home. Artwork
Yuxin Zhu
I studied Computer Science at UC Berkeley. In my free time, I love reading interesting articles on Wikipedia, eating street food, and falling over on my snowboard. My name is Yuxin Zhu, and I work on technology at Uber.
朱聿欣 - 知乎
朱聿欣 资浅纽约客。 出过小说,写过代码,偶尔讲讲脱口秀。
Yuxin Zhu
My research focuses on developing statistical methods for biomarkers and electronic medical records. I work on methods that combine biomarkers to predict cognitive decline related to preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease among normal individuals.
Zhu Y, Wang Z, Liberman AL, Chang TP, Newman-Toker D. Statistical insights for crude-rate-based operational measures of misdiagnosis-related harms. Statistics in Medicine. 2021 Sep 10;40(20):4430-41.
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