Acupuncture.Com - Zigongxue
Location: On the lower abdomen, 4.0 cun below the umbilicus, 3 cun lateral to Ren 3. Functions: Regulates Qi, raises Qi, regulates menstruation. Needling: Perpendicular insertion .8 - 1.2 cun.
Zigongxue (Ex-CA1) | Master Tung's Acupuncture | eLotus CORE
3 cun lateral to Zhongji (CV 3). Puncture perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun. This point is also known as Zigong.
Zi Gong Xue (On the Abdomen) Palace of Child (Uterus)
Zi Gong Xue (On the Abdomen) is an Acupuncture Point on the The Extra Points. The point name can be translated as 'Palace of Child (Uterus)'
The Extra Points (Acupuncture Channel/Meridian) - Sacred Lotus
The The Extra Points is one the Acupuncture channels/meridians in Chinese Medicine. This page lists and gives details about all the Acupuncture points on the channel.
Zi Gong / Zǐ Gōng Xué 子宫穴 Palais de l'enfant (utérus) - Blogger
2021年5月21日 · Zi désignait les fils et filles dans les temps anciens; Les maisons étaient communément appelées gong (palais) dans les temps anciens. Zigong est un terme …
Yin Yang House | EX Zigongxue Acupuncture Point Theory
The acupuncture point "EX Zigongxue" is represented by "Zigongxue" in pinyin and "Uterus Point" in english and may be found: 4 cun below the umbilicus, 3 cun lateral to the anterior midline. …
Acupuncture and Gynecology - Natural Alternatives Center for …
Do you want to feel better? The uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes in Traditional Asian Medicine are named Zi Gong Xue, which translates into The Palace of the Child. Navigating normal …
Accupunture Point by Yulius Eka Agung Seputra: Extra48-Zi Gong Xue
2008年1月7日 · Regulates menstruation and clears heat and damp heat. Infertility (especially in women), irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, cystitis, pelvic inflammatory …
Zigong EX-CA-1 Acupuncture Point - meandqi.com
Zigong EX-CA-1's main functions are to lifts and regulates Qi in the Lower Burner so as to regulate menstruation and reduce related pain. Zigong EX-CA-1 is an acupuncture point on …
EX-CA1 Zigong - Saludymedicinachina.com - My CMS
EX-CA1 Zigong es el puntos pertenecientes a la categoría de puntos extraordinarios. Este se enuncia como EX-CA1 y según el significado de su nombre se conoce como Palacio del Niño …