ZIL-131 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-131 is a general purpose 3.5 tonne 6x6 army truck designed in the Soviet Union by ZIL. The basic model being a general cargo truck. [1] Variants include a tractor-trailer truck, a dump truck, a fuel truck, and a 6x6 for towing a 4-wheeled powered trailer.
ZIL-131卡車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
zil-131卡車. zil-131卡車是前蘇聯利哈乔夫汽车厂由1966年至1995年生產的軍用3.5噸6×6卡車,由民用的zil-130卡車發展而來,中國大陸以其zil的發音而稱為「吉爾-131卡車」。
苏联最好的军用卡车ZiL-131图鉴 - 哔哩哔哩
ZIL-131卡车是由前苏联利哈乔夫汽车厂于1966年至1995年生产的3.5吨6×6军用卡车,中国大陆以其ZIL的发音而称为“吉尔-131卡车”。 基本资料:全长:7.04米,全宽:2.49米,全高:2.97米,重量:6700公斤,最大行程:850公里,最快速度:90公里/小时,载重:3500公斤(越野)/5000公斤(公路),动力:150匹马力V8柴油发动机,基本载员:3人。 ZIL-131军用卡车是由民用的ZIL-130卡车发展而来,两者很多零件可以通用。 ZIL-131采用防水密封的动力系统,能在崎岖不平的野外平稳 …
ZIL-131卡车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
zil-131卡车. zil-131卡车是前苏联利哈乔夫汽车厂由1966年至1995年生产的军用3.5吨6×6卡车,由民用的zil-130卡车发展而来,中国大陆以其zil的发音而称为“吉尔-131卡车”。
ZIL-131 (1967) - truck-encyclopedia.com
The ZIL-131 is a general purpose 3.5 tonne 6x6 army truck designed in the Soviet Union by ZIL. This general cargo truck was declined into variants such as a tractor-trailer, dump truck, fuel truck, 6x6 towing vehicle and 4-wheeled powered trailer.
ZiL-131 6x6 Wheeled Military Truck - Military Factory
2022年3月25日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the ZiL-131 6x6 Wheeled Military Truck including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003 MENU
路边的经典——粗中有细的吉尔131卡车 - 搜狐
2017年10月20日 · 在引擎盖下方蕴藏着一台代号为zil-131的v型8缸6.96升汽油发动机,这款发动机在3200转/分的时候可以输出151马力的功率。 当然它的油耗也是高的惊人,公路行驶情况下百公里油耗为40-50升,越野行驶百公里油耗可以飙升至100L。
The ZIL-131 3500-kg (7,716-lb) 6×6 - War History
2020年5月10日 · ZiL-131 was the main all-road Soviet Army truck of the 1970s and 80s. Serial production was launched in 1967. The truck featured high reliability and all-road abilities.
features of individual mechanisms of the ZIL-131. A description is presented below of certain components of the ZIL-131 which has features resulting from the basic purpose of this vehicle, in whl.ch permit its operation on all types of roads and unimproved tracks. Design Features of …
ZIL-131 - specifications, modifications, photos, videos, overview
ZIL-131 – basic modification; ZIL-131A – version with unshielded electrical equipment, which it received from ZIL-130. It differed from the basic version in the absence of special military equipment, the middle bench in the body and the headlamp finder.