76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) - Wikipedia
The 76-mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) (Russian: 76-мм дивизионная пушка обр. 1942 г. (ЗиС-3)) (GRAU index: 52-P-354U) was a Soviet 76.2 mm divisional field gun used during World War II.
ZiS-30 - Wikipedia
The ZiS-30 was a light self-propelled anti-tank gun built for the Soviet Red Army in 1941. It was based on the Komsomolets armoured artillery tractor. They were successful vehicles, but production was limited by the number of Komsomolets tractors still in use.
57 mm anti-tank gun M1943 (ZiS-2) - Wikipedia
The ZiS-2 (Russian: ЗиС-2) (GRAU index: 52-P-271) is a Soviet 57 mm anti-tank gun used during World War II. The ZiS-4 is a version of the gun that was meant to be installed in tanks. ZiS stands for Zavod imeni Stalina (Russian Завод имени Сталина , 'Factory named after Stalin '), the official title of Artillery Factory No ...
2021年7月24日 · M1942 ZiS-3 became the most produced Soviet artillery gun during WW2. For it’s simplicity, low weight and good fighting qualities, it was one of the best weapons of the Second World War.
ZIS-3型76毫米加农炮 - 百度百科
ZIS-3型76毫米加农炮,由格拉宾火炮设计局设计。 该火炮利用ZIS-2的炮架,加装新炮管,有+45度的射角,同时加装了炮口制退器,可以减少30%的后坐力,加装了垂直半自动锲型锁、液压驻退机、复位机,以及独立开机的GAZ高射炮高低机等。 ZIS-3的制造成本很低,成为一种大量生产、装备全球许多国家的火炮。 ZIS-3在卫国战争、朝鲜战争中广泛使用,中国仿制品为五四式76毫米加农炮。 20世纪30年代后期苏联武装力量开始了新一轮的军事改革。 当时苏军步兵师 …
F-34坦克炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZiS-5就是一种更加适应KV-1炮塔而设计的坦克炮。 在1943年,具有厚重装甲的德国虎式坦克和豹式坦克让F-34过时了,并且进行了试验并且寻找替代物。在一些T-34/57坦克上安装了穿甲能力更好的Zis-2,但口径较小的火炮的高爆弹
ZiS-3 (Model 1942) 76mm Anti-Tank (AT) Gun - Military Factory
2022年4月8日 · One of the key pieces of field artillery available to the Soviet Army during World War 2 (1939-1945) was the "76mm (76.2mm) Divisional Gun, M1942" - better known as the "ZiS-3". This caliber weapon would go on to become the standard Soviet anti-tank weapon of the war with production of the ZiS-3 gun series totaling over 100,000 units.
Matilda II Mk.IV with ZiS-5 76mm - Tank Encyclopedia
2016年10月2日 · The ZiS-5/F-96 gun used on the Matilda. Photo: warspot.ru. This was the same gun found on early war KV-1s. It was re-designated as F-96 for the project. The weapon was a substantial improvement over the 40mm/2-pounder.
ZIS-3 76.2-mm divisional gun model 1942 - GlobalSecurity.org
On February 12, 1942, the State Defense Committee issued a decree on the adoption of one of the most famous domestic artillery guns - the 76.2-mm ZIS-3 divisional gun designed by factory No....
ZIS-19 - Tank Archives
2017年12月27日 · Ballistics and ammunition are from the 37 mm AA gun used by the Red Army. From December 20th, 1941, to January 12th, 1942, the department designed blueprints, indexed with the code ZIS-19. From January 12th to January 19th, an experimental prototype of the ZIS-19 system was built and installed in the turret of a mass production T-60 tank.