Project Update: For almost 2 years, I have been converting all ... - Reddit
2020年9月8日 · Project Update: For almost 2 years, I have been converting all League of Legends Champions to DnD 5e NPCs, and currently have done 106/150! Check out the links below! I've had a few months here and there of hiatus as life gets in the way, but I plan on being done with the champions themselves by the end of the year.
r/DnD on Reddit: [OC] [Comm] Zix, Kobold Beastheart and his …
2022年12月24日 · Zix is a Beastheart, which is similar to a Ranger but is very focused on working/synergizing with the companion (which can be a large variety of creatures, Keldaros being a silver dragon wyrmling). About the two: While Zix was working as a scout, he stumbled upon a blood trail leading into a cave, where he found a mortally wounded silver dragon.
Kha'Zix, from League of Legends : r/dndmonsters - Reddit
2019年10月13日 · Hi, I made Kha'Zix from League of Legends for my party to face in the near-ish future. I haven't made a monster before (and it probably shows), but I'm ambitious and hopeful that this is somewhat salvagable.
龙与地下城玩家手册 - 翻页书页数 1-50 | AnyFlip
2020年7月14日 · Tyler Jacobson 的插画描述了一幅炽热场景:火巨人斯努尔王 King Snurre 受不了任何活着的蠢货。 他一边奋力赶走家里的不速之. 客,一边呼唤他的地狱犬加入战斗。 在山丘巨人农场的餐室闲逛;激怒任何颜色的巨龙;或是在 DM 问你:“你确定? ”时答是。 别国分公司。 未经威世智许可,禁止复制或未经授权而使用任何其中的资料和原画。 本文对应第五版龙与地下城的《玩家手册 Player’s Handbook》一书之内容。 其具体文本根据果园译者的文章整理校对补 …
Xixchil (Creature) - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition …
Xixchil (ZIX-chil) are praying mantis-like “mantoids” who are accomplished craftsmen. Using their fine scalpel-like manipulators at the ends of their forelimbs, they create fine metalwork, clothing, and clockwork devices whose complexity and beauty rival even that of the reigar .
League of Legends 5e Set 2 - The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit
Updated. 5 years ago. get PDF. source
龙与地下城(DND)第五版 戏法列表 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
设定控,对神秘学、魔法和玄幻有兴趣,想创造一个架空世界。 此盘点中的戏法(0环法术)信息为简化版,不涉及随机的伤害数值、属性检定等。 施法距离默认120尺。 戏法是可以随意施展的法术,它不消耗法术位也不需要预先准备。 施法者多次重复的练习已经将这些法术铭记在其意识里,并灌注了足以重复施展的魔力。 戏法属于0环法术。 剑刃防护:伸手在空中勾勒出一个防护印记,以令自己在下一回合结束前对武器攻击造成的钝击、穿刺和挥砍具有抗性。 提升抗性:触 …
什么是 dnd? - 知乎
Turning Random League of Legends Champions into a DnD Build ... - Reddit
2021年3月20日 · Kha Zix gets his void claws at Lv 3 with soul knives as well as sneak attacks for his Q from Rogue and then after bolstering it a little till level 6. From then on, he goes Gloomstalker Ranger to boost his ambush potential while getting more attacks, sporting Conjure Barrage as void spikes, and obtaining more stealth options.
ArtStation - Sea Monster Concepts | Sea monsters, Creature
Various sea-inspired creatures and monsters done for Wayfinder. Designing some of the monsters and other creatures for Wayfinder were definetly among my favorite of tasks. As always a big thanks and shout out to the team at Airship Syndicate.
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