ZU-23-2 - Wikipedia
The ZU-23-2, also known as ZU-23, is a Soviet towed 23×152mm anti-aircraft twin-barreled autocannon. ZU stands for Zenitnaya Ustanovka (Russian: Зенитная Установка) – anti …
ZU-23-2雙管高射炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
完整的防空機炮/導彈系統被稱為zu-23/zom1(經常被誤稱為“zu-23/30m1”)。 它是由“導彈—火炮合一發射模塊”( strel'bovoj MODUL ) ZU-23/ZOM1-SM ;“導彈發射模塊”( puskovoj …
高炮放平,军事法……法你个螺纹钢!图说ZU-23-2双管小高炮_凤 …
2023年10月30日 · 俄乌冲突中亲俄武装的车载ZU-23高炮. 这种小高炮是苏联的ZU-23-2(ЗУ-23-2)双管23mm牵引式高炮,1960年正式服役,替代14.5mmKPV高射机枪作为团属防空武器, …
ZU-23-2 - Army Recognition
2025年1月9日 · Officially designated "Zenitnaya Ustanovka 23-2," meaning "23 mm anti-aircraft mount, two-barrel," it became one of the most widely used air defense systems globally due to …
ZU-23-2式高射炮 - 百度百科
zu-23-2 式高射炮是前苏联的一种双管 23 毫米高射炮,另有zsu-23-2、zsu-23-4自走式高炮。(zsu-23-4为4管)
ZU-23-2 – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
O ZU-23-2 é armado com dois canhões 2A14 de 23 mm presos em um reboque pequeno que pode ser convertido em um suporte estático para disparar a arma em cima de plataformas …
ZU-23-2 / ZU-23 Towed Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) - Military Factory
2022年2月26日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the ZU-23-2 / ZU-23 Towed Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) including pictures. The global defense …
ZU-23 (2A13) - Army Guide
The ZU-23 consists from twin 2A14 Guns, light carriage mount based on two wheel chassis, ZAP-23 automatic anti-aircraft sight, and additional sight used to fire at the ground targets. The …
The 23 mm ZU-23-2 Double Anti-Aircraft Cannon is characterized by high mobility, camouflage abilities, reliable functioning, high efficiency, great combat qualities and reliable tactical and …
ZU-23 23MM Antiaircraft Gun - Federation of American Scientists
Introduced in 1964, the ZU-23 was the Soviets' newest lightweight, automatic, towed antiaircraft gun. It was used extensively by airborne units and possibly by some motorized rifle regiments …