Zooble | The Amazing Digital Circus Wiki | Fandom
Zooble is made of random colorful shapes and parts that make them resemble a Mix-and-Match toy. Consistently throughout the series, their head has been a hot pink isosceles triangle tilted downwards. Their right eye has a swirled black iris and yellow sclera with a …
In Amazing Digital Circus, Zooble is an extraordinary combination of mismatched shapes and detachable body parts. Their head is a hot pink scalene acute triangle set on a purple neck, featuring a yellow right eye with a dark maroon swirl iris, and a left eye with an indigo eyelid, complete with lower eyelid eyelashes.
驚奇數位馬戲團 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
《驚奇數位馬戲團》(英語: The Amazing Digital Circus,簡稱 Digital Circus 或 TADC)是一部由Gooseworx主創,並由 Glitch Productions (英語:Glitch Productions) 製作的 電腦動畫 黑色喜劇 網路 劇集 [1]。 該系列於2023年10月13日首播在 GLITCH的YouTube頻道上 (頁面存檔備份,存於 網際網路檔案館) [2]。 該作品受到了普遍好評,並成為該頻道在YouTube上最多觀看的影片,並在兩個月內累積超過2億次觀看。 短片還獲得了 安妮獎 提名。 2024年10月4日起,現 …
神奇數字馬戲團 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《神奇數字馬戲團》(英語: The Amazing Digital Circus,簡稱 Digital Circus 或 TADC)是一部由Gooseworx主創,並由 Glitch Productions (英语:Glitch Productions) 製作的 电脑动画 黑色喜劇 網路 劇集 [1]。 該系列於2023年10月13日首播在 GLITCH的YouTube頻道上 (页面存档备份,存于 互联网档案馆) [2]。 該作品受到了普遍好評,並成為該頻道在YouTube上最多觀看的影片,並在兩個月內累積超過2億次觀看。 短片还获得了 安妮獎 提名。 2024年10月4日起,現有 …
Zooble | The SMG4/GLITCH Wiki | Fandom
Zooble, a protagonist in The Amazing Digital Circus, is based on mix-and-match toys and has a design akin to Gooseworx’s logo. They possess a 'Zooble box' for extra parts and show signs of OCD when their horns are jumbled. Zooble dislikes disassembly and is adverse to Gloinks and Caine’s Adventures.
The Amazing Digital Circus but it’s just Zooble - YouTube
2023年10月15日 · A YouTube video featuring Zooble from The Amazing Digital Circus.
Zooble | LGBT Characters Wikia | Fandom
Zooble resembles a Mix and Match-like toy. Their head is a hot pink isosceles triangle, albeit tilted. Their right eye has a swirled black iris and yellow sclera with a bubblegum pink colored eyelid and a mint-green zigzag left antennae.
The Amazing Digital Circus Zooble
Zuble resembles a toy that is similar to Mix and Match. The character’s head is a bright pink pointed triangle. Their right eye has a swirling black iris and yellow sclera. It has a butterscotch-colored eyelid and also has a mint green zigzag eyelash. The left eye has a black iris with a white-cream-colored sclera.
Zooble/Gallery | The Amazing Digital Circus Wiki | Fandom
Astronomical Chaos/Important links; Astronomical Chaos/Song pinglist; Astronomical Chaos/Wiki DNI Record; Mayisnothere/Jax (digital circus) A DSAF Fan/I go by any pronouns.
The Amazing Digital Circus Wiki
Zooble (voiced by Ashley Nichols) is a mix-and-match toy that displays a solitary and empathetic nature, balanced by a hot-headed temperament, later shown to dislike their body and how jumbled it is. Kinger (voiced by Sean Chiplock) is a king chess piece, being the circus's longest-standing member.