List of shotokan techniques - Wikipedia
This is a list of techniques practiced in the Shotokan style of karate. Yoi Dachi is Heiko Dachi with the hands out in a ready position. ^ John Van Weenen (1987). John van Weenen, Advanced Shotokan Karate Kata. Vine House. p. 196. ISBN 0-9517660-1-5.
Karate techniques - Wikipedia
Zuki/Tsuki: Punch: Uchi Strike: Age Zuki Rising punch Kagi Zuki Hook punch Yama Zuki Mountain punch Awase Zuki Two handed punch Heiko Zuki Parallel punch Hasami Zuki ... Nage Waza Throwing technique: haito Uchi ridge hand: hiji uchi (empi) elbow strike [4] kaiko-ken flat fist koken bent wrist nakadaka-ken: middle finger knuckle fist:
Mikio Yahara: Zuki Waza. Training in KWF Honbu Dojo 2012
2014年12月15日 · Lesson by Mikio Yahara, KWF Chief Instructor.KWF Hombu Dojo, November 2012, Tokyo.Video by Nikolay Korovin. (C) Karatenomichi Russian Federation, 2012.www.kar...
Dynamic Shitoryu Karate by: A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan Kyoshi
Contents of this title include: A comprehensive introduction to the Tachi Kata, Zuki Waza, Uchi Waza, Uke Waza, Keri Waza, Hiji Ate Go ho, Uke no Go Gensoku, Kihon Kumite, Hokei Kumite or Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas, Kihon katas, Heian Katas (Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan and Heian Godan), Juroku, Matsumora ha Rohai ...
Karate Training | Khion | Zuki Waza (Punching Techniques)
2020年8月11日 · [email protected]'s Pages Link:-INSTAGRAMhttps://instagram.com/rahakarate31FACEBOOKhttps://Facebook.com/rahakarate31#RAHAKARATE31 #KARATETR...
suki waza karate techniques 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
Karate Terminology - Nihon Karate School - nksaz.com
ATEMI WAZA = Striking techniques that are normally used in conjunction with grappling and throwing techniques. AWASE ZUKI = "U Punch". Also referred to as MOROTE ZUKI. AYUMI DACHI = A stance found in ITOSU-KAI SHITO-RYU. It is a natural "Walking" stance with the weight over the center.
Table of Contents - Dynamic Shitoryu Karate
Starting with history of Shitoryu Karate with some rare photos of Master Kenwa mabuni as well as Kenei Mabuni Sensei and Manzo Iwata Sensei. The most important Kihon techniques, the various way of performing techniques and basic Katas as well as 4 shitoryu mandatory katas are described in detail. Table of contents:
TSUKI WAZA. Ataques directos - karate elgacela
También conocido como "Oi zuki" o "Jun tsuki". Es el tsuki (puñetazo) que se ejecuta con el puño correspondiente al "mismo lado del pie" que se desplaza. Los avances pueden ser con diferentes posiciones, ya sea en moto dachi, zenkutsu dachi o bien hangetsu dachi, siendo estas las …
Liste von Karate-Begriffen – Wikipedia
Als kiai bezeichnet man den Schrei im Karate. Eine gängige Haltung (u. a. auch beim Boxen), bei der beide Fäuste leicht versetzt vor dem Torso gehalten werden. Diese Haltung eignet sich Angriffe (z. B. Zuki) und Abwehraktionen mit den Armen auf Jodan-, Chudan- und Gedan-Höhe.
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