威格斯收购纤维制造商Zyex以加速现有和全新的 ... - Victrex
2017年4月14日 · 全球高性能聚合物方案创新性领导者威格斯宣布,已收购在航天、汽车和工业应用领域广受认可的聚醚醚铜(PEEK)纤维全球领先制造商Zyex,这一举措使得威格斯按照其发展战略,以基于VICTREX™ PEEK的差异化解决方案来开拓新的市场。 此外,Zyex团队的纤维产品、行业应用经验和资源也使得威格斯能够为客户开发全新和现有的解决方案,也将进一步加强威格斯公司的实力。 Zyex是威格斯的长期而稳定的客户,两家公司都是从ICI集团独立出来的,现在 …
聚合物纤维 | PEEK线材 - 威格斯 - Victrex
zyex ™ 纤维是由世界上性能最高的热塑性塑料之一victrex™ peek聚合物制成,具有出色的强度和可靠性,满足极端环境下的应用需求 。 关键事实 持续工作温度高
ZYEX™ FIBRES – The Thermoplastic Fibre of Choice - Victrex
We bring transformational & sustainable solutions that address world material challenges every day.
Victrex acquires fibre manufacturer Zyex to accelerate …
2017年4月6日 · Victrex plc, an innovative world leader in high performance polymer solutions, today announces that it has acquired Zyex, a recognized global leader in the manufacture of PEEK based fibres, principally for the aerospace, automotive and industrial markets.
Zyex Violin String Set | Orchestral - D'Addario
Zyex synthetic core strings produce a balanced, rich sound. Made from a new generation of synthetic material, they are incredibly stable, even under drastic climatic conditions. Zyex strings settle within a matter of hours, with a sound that provides warmth and consistency to a …
Victrex耗资1000万英镑收购材料商Zyex - 慧正资讯
2017年4月10日 · 近日,聚合物制造商Victrex以1,000万英镑收购了用于航空航天、汽车和工业市场的聚醚醚酮(PEEK)纤维制造商Zyex。 据悉,此次收购是公司FTSE 250战略计划的一部分。
威格斯收购纤维制造商Zyex - 聚合物网
2017年4月19日 · Zyex 和威格斯优势互补,将形成一个世界级的 PEEK 纤维供应商。 除了把握开发现有和新的 应用所带来的 机会外,这次收购还可让威格斯在 2016 年成立的增材制造联盟基础上,在纤维领域探索潜在的增材制造。
D'Addario Zyex Violin String Set with Aluminum D, 4/4 Scale, …
2004年7月16日 · Zyex synthetic core produces a rich, warm tone ; Short break-in time and excellent bow response provides superb playability and a broad tonal palette ; All D'Addario strings are designed, engineered and manufactured in the USA to the most stringent quality controls in the industry ›
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ZYEX provides logistics services suited for market demands. Track your packages easily with ZYEX tracking using your tracking number. Get real-time updates on your shipments and ensure timely delivery.
Thermoplastic PEEK Fibers for Extreme Environments — ZYEX™ - Victrex
Produced from VICTREX™ PEEK polymer, one of the highest performing thermoplastics in the world, ZYEX™ FIBRES have the strength and reliability needed for use in applications in the toughest environments. ZYEX™ FIBRES are tough, have excellent abrasion resistance, particularly at high temperatures, and are durable in use.