Sutter bypass, Big E duck club | Duck Hunting Forum
2014年2月12日 · Sutter bypass, Big E duck club Jump to Latest 2.8K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by sutterduckhunter Feb 13, 2014
Dingville - Duck Hunting Forum
2010年10月31日 · That is not exactly Dingville- that is in the bypass just North of the Big E duck club- we hunted the Big E the last 2 years and had our blind closest to this property last year- it was not attracting ducks- I think a flooded food plot would be better...Dingville was described earlier which is outside the bypass...but it is certainly considered part of the Dingville area.
Oklahoma's most dangerous lakes? - Duck Hunting Forum
2015年12月29日 · Last year in March, I saw a small flat-bottomed boat heading out onto Canton as we were pulling in to the ramp. A big storm was rolling in, so we were pretty happy to be finished and off the water. Sure enough, the next day we see the boat turned over bumping against the riprap on the dam. Thankfully, I don't think anyone was severely injured.
Antique decoy Wooden ducks are worth big bucks - Duck Hunting …
2005年10月18日 · "Caution" My passion for old decoys is contagious. Before e-mailing where protection! (Just a little joke sent by one of the many we have helped). Please feel free to e-mail us any time. We will enjoy the opportunity to help you. Have DUCKY DAY! Steven Lloyd National Decoy Information Center
sutter basin duck club - Duck Hunting Forum
2007年8月1日 · You might get that call at 10 PM at night or your dekes are gone. I think it was under a grand a seat. Dont know how well it shot. I'm sure you could do well on specks for sure. I know a buddy that shot Big E down at the south end and it …
How big is your duck boat? - Duck Hunting Forum
2010年5月10日 · Depending on where you're going...swamps, lake, river, big water, etc will determine the size of the boat. Don't compromise your safety. My boat is a 1648 and I hunt in lakes, rivers, and some big water when the weather is suitable.
754 War Eagle Shadow semi V. How big a Motor? - Duck Hunting …
2010年10月31日 · Thanks for the feedback. I agree that this boat should be rated for more than a 40. I think what the problem is, the bow vee's to the front like a v bottom, which decreases the size of the front deck, so i think the flotation is limited. However that being said, i'm going with a 50hp Evinrude e tec. I believe that will be plenty of motor.
anyone running an evinrude e tec?? | Duck Hunting Forum
2009年12月22日 · FYI, there are two versions of the 55hp E-Tec in military form. One is basically a 60hp E-tec with a fully sealed and waterproof cowling, heavy duty gearcase, and has additional noise surpression. It became availible in 2007. This is the version I had. The other is a multi-fuel engine that can burn diesel, jet fuel, kerosene, or gas.
Big Lake WMA - Duck Hunting Forum
2008年10月16日 · Gentlemen, let me caution you. I've hunted big lake all my life and it is certainly a fine stand of timber, but the whole "1st come, 1st serve" blind thing is a bit deceptive. Legally, you are absolutely right, and it is perfectly within the …
Big Boggy NWR, TX | Duck Hunting Forum
2007年1月17日 · This year a big storm wiped out all the aquatic vegetation and millet in the marshes I hunt except for one that is completely leveed off. That one marsh kept a good amount of millet in it. After the first few weeks of hunting the marsh that didn't have any food didn't have any ducks and not as many people hunted it, yet the ducks still didn't come.