BRDM - Wikipedia
The BRDM is a eight-wheeled amphibious vehicle which is very lightly armoured by today's standards. Both versions were produced in the Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries. …
BMD-4 - Wikipedia
The BMD-4 (Russian: Боевая Машина Десанта-4, romanized: Boyevaya Mashina Desanta-4, lit. 'Combat Vehicle of the Airborne-4') is an amphibious infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) originating …
BRDM-2 - Wikipedia
The BRDM-2 (Boyevaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Mashina, Боевая Разведывательная Дозорная Машина, literally "Combat Reconnaissance/Patrol Vehicle") [5] is an amphibious …
装甲侦察车 - 百度百科
大倍率光学潜望镜和电视摄像机主要用于能见度良好的夜间进行侦察,发现目标距离不小于20千米,识别装甲车辆距离为10~15千米,并具有电视自动跟踪能力。 热像仪主要用于夜间侦察, …
BRDM-4 Scout vehicle - Flickr
The BRDM-4 was introduced shortly before the Russian civil war in 2017. It was in limited production in West-Russia after the conflict came to a cease-fire, but it's best known as the …
- 查看次数: 2
BRDM-B - army-guide.com
The overall layout of the VOP 026 upgraded BRDM-2 (4 × 4) amphibious scout car is almost identical to the original vehicle developed well over 35 years ago, with large numbers being …
BTR-40装甲车 - 百度百科
BTR-40是苏联采用ГАЗ-63卡车底盘改装的轮式装甲人员输送车,1947年研制,1950年装备,也可作为指挥车和侦察车使用。 50年代末,苏军中的该车已被BRDM-1(4×4)侦察车取代,但它 …
BRDM-4 Scout vehicle | Country of Origin: East-Russia (DRR) - Flickr
2009年7月11日 · The BRDM-4 was introduced shortly before the Russian civil war in 2017. It was in limited production in West-Russia (Eurusia) after the conflict came to a cease-fire, but it's …
- 查看次数: 3.8万
苏军空降强击旅——垂直层面的战役机动集群 - 知乎
由于实际上只有13辆用于侦察的 BRDM,机降强击旅大体依赖卡车和直升机进行机动。 通常每个旅配属2个重型直升机大队(24架 米6)和2个中型直升机大队(32架 米8)。 投送一个完整 …
BRDM-4 hatches | Country of Origin: East-Russia (DRR) Type
2009年7月11日 · The BRDM-4 is based on the BRDM-2, but although visually similar, the new BRDM-4 is a considerably toughter vehicle. Modern armour and threat detection systems adds …
- 查看次数: 1.1万