CN CWR Train Components - Individual Cars - Trainorders.com
1. This is CN 44295, the Rail Threader Car and the way of moving welded rail from inside the carriers to outside the existing rail head. This was the tail end of CN #488, Edson to …
The Final CN Barge - Trainorders.com
Due to changing economics the CN Rail Barge, Aqua Train, has made their final run. The Aqua rain is one of two rail barges that serve the state of Alaska. Service began in 1962 and as a …
Williams Lake to Squamish suspended, not abandoned
Some posters have referred to CN abandoning the former BC Rail line between Williams Lake and Squamish, but it has not been abandoned. Service has been suspended. Abandonment, …
CN Completes $4M Reconstruction of Dawson Creek, BC Line
Northwestern Alberta's only rail link into British Columbia has completed its reconstruction and will soon begin shaking off nearly a decade of rust to the glee of local municipalities. The …
CN to Mothball Part of BC Rail - Trainorders.com
Before CN tookover in 2004, BC Rail was running three regular freight trains each way everyday between Prince George and North Vancouver. CN cut it back to one train each way perday. …
DONE DEAL: CN BUYS BC RAIL - Trainorders.com
VANCOUVER, Nov. 25, 2003 : CN announced today it will pay the B.C. government $1 billion in cash to acquire the outstanding shares of BC Rail Ltd., along with the right to operate over BC …
CN (ex BC Rail) runaway story - Trainorders.com
What's scary is that this (the ex-BC Rail runaway) is not an isolated incident on CN. On March 9, 1987 the CN had another runaway (and I'm sure there have been others) in Eastern Canada. …
Canadian Railroads > Status of former BC Rail - Trainorders.com
CN runs daily from Williams Lake to Quesnel and Quesnel to Prince George, Williams Lake to 100 Mile House twice a week. The Rocky Mountaineer runs seasonally all the way from North …
Canadian Railroads > Current CN Schedule on BC Rail
CN managed to take a round trip to Prince George and stretch it out to 35 hours or more, on BC Rail we were ticked if we were gone 26 hours. Also myself and the Conductor I was working …
CN's Saskatoon-Calgary line being lifted. - Trainorders.com
A contractor is removing rail from the CN Oyen Subdivision. This portion of track formed the Hanna AB/Kindersly SK. portion of the former Canadian Northern route from Saskatoon to …