§ 9–203.06. Improvement of street — Prerequisites.
2018年12月20日 · (a) Prior to the improvement or issuance of a permit to improve a street that has been acquired for street purposes by the District but has neither been improved nor used as a public right-of-way for vehicles within 10 years of its acquisition, the Mayor shall submit a proposed street improvement, a proposed resolution to consider the proposed i...
Standard Specification Section 203, Excavation and Embankment, contains the contract requirements for excavating, disposing, placement and compaction of material. Excavation includes the disposal of all material encountered in the course of construction.
§ 29–203.06. Effect of interest exchange. | D.C. Law Library
§ 29–203.06. Effect of interest exchange. (a) When an interest exchange becomes effective: (1) The interests in the acquired entity that are the subject of the interest exchange shall cease to exist or are converted or exchanged, and the interest holders of those interests shall be entitled only to the rights provided to them under the plan of interest exchange and to any appraisal rights ...
All excavation is considered unclassified excavation. If the excavation contains regulated materials such as garbage, solid waste, and hazardous waste or material, the Contract Documents will detail the removal for these items. Use all suitable excavated material in the work.
MPEP 203.06: Incomplete, November 2024 (BitLaw)
M.P.E.P. Section 203.06: Incomplete. Taken from the 9th Edition of the MPEP, Revision 01.2024, (Last Revised November 2024). Updated in BitLaw in November 2024.
2017年10月13日 · All embankment material should be free of vegetation, brush, sod and other deleterious substances. Imported embankment shall contain a maximum of 60 percent passing the No. 200 sieve, and have a maximum liquid limit of 35 and a maximum plasticity index of 15.
EOM 203.06 Employ Problem Solving by cailyn wilcox on Prezi
Employ Problem Solving EOM 203.06 CI Wilcox 15/01/2020 1 One of the qualities of leadership, is problem solving. As Cadets become leaders they will use this more often. Importance Introduction A PROBLEM This is a doubtful or difficult matter requiring a …
§ 203.06 Lot Drainage; Stagnant Water - American Legal Publishing
(a) Every person owning or having possession, charge or control of any cellar, excavation, yard, court, lot or area where water stands or accumulates shall drain the same or cause the same to be drained.
n.c.p.i.-motor vehicle 203.06 right-of-way-vehicles approaching intersection at approximately the same time. motor vehicle volume april 1989 n.c. gen. stat. § 20-155(a)
DC Code § 9–203.06 (2024) - Improvement of street - Justia Law
(1) Rehabilitation, repair, or reconstruction of a street that is already being used as a public right-of-way for vehicles at the time of the proposal; or. (2) Widening, realignment, or extension by 10 feet or less of the pavement of a street that is already being used as a public right-of-way for vehicles at the time of the proposal.