CID 71324402 | Cr3Sn - PubChem
2013年5月21日 · CID 71324402 | Cr3Sn | CID 71324402 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
Magnetic properties of CrSnS3: A new Van der Waals ferromagnet
2022年7月28日 · We report an experimental discovery of CrSnS3, a new Van der Waals ferromagnetic (FM) with Curie temperature TC ~119K. The Curie temperature is in qualitative agreement of Chittari et. al. DFT prediction (TC =112.3K) for an Ising model with the addition of Coulomb potential.
Imaging and writing magnetic domains in the non-collinear ... - Nature
2019年11月29日 · Here, we demonstrate a magnetic imaging technique based on a laser induced local thermal gradient combined with detection of the anomalous Nernst effect. We employ this method in one the most...
丘学鹏教授团队在《自然・通讯》发表拓扑反铁磁自旋电子器件新 …
2022年9月16日 · 有别于当前的自旋流产生机制(自旋霍尔效应、界面Rashba效应等)产生的面内极化自旋流,该研究利用非共线反铁磁材料Mn3Sn的磁自旋霍尔效应产生新奇面外极化自旋流,高效驱动磁矩翻转进行信息写入。 该研究展示了拓扑自旋结构在自旋电子学中的重要作用,为超低功耗、超高密度自旋电子学器件提供新材料和新机制。 图1:a常规重金属Pt通过自旋霍尔效应产生面内极化自旋流,进而对相邻铁磁层产生自旋轨道矩。...
Large anomalous Hall effect in a non-collinear antiferromagnet ... - Nature
2015年10月28日 · In particular, we find that Mn 3 Sn, an antiferromagnet that has a non-collinear 120-degree spin order 10, 11, exhibits a large anomalous Hall conductivity of around 20 per ohm per centimetre at...
Electronic structure and magnetism of Cr/Sn multilayer systems
2001年8月1日 · In this paper, we study the electronic structure of Cr/Sn and Fe/Cr/Sn/Cr multilayer systems by means of first-principles method and elucidate the mechanism of the observed behavior in the Sn-site hyperfine field.
Metamagnetism in Hexagonal CrSn : A First Principle Study
2022年1月7日 · We have adopted hexagonal structure CrSb for our new model material CrSn, while replacing Sb with Sn in CrSb. In the current manuscript, we report the structural and magnetic properties of hexagonal CrSn. The presence of metamagnetism and its physical cause in CrSn is explored by applying first principles.
Magnetic excitations in non-collinear antiferromagnetic Weyl
2018年12月7日 · Mn 3 Sn has recently attracted considerable attention as a magnetic Weyl semimetal exhibiting concomitant transport anomalies at room temperature. The topology of the electronic bands, their...
Ultrathin nanosheets of CrSiTe3: a semiconducting two …
2015年11月27日 · In this work we exfoliated CrSiTe 3, a bulk ferromagnetic semiconductor, to mono- and few-layer 2D crystals onto a Si/SiO 2 substrate. Raman spectra indicate good stability and high quality of the exfoliated flakes, consistent with the computed phonon spectra of 2D CrSiTe 3, giving strong evidence for the existence of 2D CrSiTe 3 crystals.
Magnetic properties of CrSnS3: A new Van der Waals ferromagnet
2022年7月28日 · We report an experimental discovery of CrSnS3, a new Van der Waals ferromagnetic (FM) with Curie temperature TC ~119K. The Curie temperature is in qualitative agreement of Chittari et. al. DFT...
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