OK - Wikipedia
OK (/ ˌoʊˈkeɪ / ⓘ), with spelling variations including okay, okeh, O.K. and many others, is an English word (originating in American English) denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, …
OK Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of OK is all right. How to use OK in a sentence.
OK | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
OK definition: 1. used to show that you agree with something or agree to do something: 2. used to check that…. Learn more.
OK中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
We use okay as a response token to show that we understand, accept, or agree with what someone is saying: … We often use okay as an adjective to say that something is not a …
OK的初阶定义 - Collins Online Dictionary
OK | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
OK meaning: 1. used to show that you agree with something or agree to do something: 2. used to check that…. Learn more.
OK Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Things are OK at the moment. Is this suit OK to wear to a formal party? She's been OK since the operation. The job they did was OK, nothing more. an OK person. She'll manage OK on her …
OK Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
OK meaning: 1 : used to ask for or express agreement, approval, or understanding; 2 : used for emphasis at the beginning of a statement
OK exclamation - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
used to attract somebody’s attention or to introduce a comment. Okay, let's go. used to check that somebody agrees with you or understands you. The meeting's at 2, OK? I'll do it my way, OK? …
Ok - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
ok. Anything that's ok is all right or fine. A perfectly ok answer when your dad asks how your homework is going is "Ok." If something's ok, it's not terrible, but it's not wonderful either — it's …