Reply To: Use of DEFINE_SOURCE in Fluent - Ansys Learning Forum
Thanks for the advice. Right now I'm still working on the mass transfer part but will include energy and momentum too. By the way, since I'm modelling phase change using DEFINE_SOURCE, how will Fluent treat any user-defined heat sources (in this case, mass rate * latent heat)? Will it "know" that its latent heat or […]
Reply To: How to call thermal conductivity into Fluent UDF?
Here is the code for the simple conductivity UDF: # include "udf.h" /* The following code is executed at the END OF EVERY ITERATION */ DEFINE_ADJUST(adjust_data, domain) { Domain *domain; Thread *t; cell_t c; face_t f; real K_ADJ; domain=Get_Domain(1); /* Loop over all cells and store or calculate various parameters */ thread_loop_c (t,domain) { begin_c_loop […]
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Reply To: How species interphase mass transfer is implemented in …
I believe you are accessing your interfacial area concentration (C_VOF_G) using fluent macro? If that is case, then I wouldn't worry about the formula for computing the IAC in the VOF method. Just multiply the VOF gradient magnitude obtained from (C_VOF_G) to your Schrage equation and you should be in good shape. You should be […]
Reply To: Fluent 2020r1&2022r1 can’t start on the cpu 8358P
Hi Xiao, It looks like you have already asked the same question under the Ansys Products channel. Fluent 2020r1&2022r1 can’t start on the cpu 8358P (ansys.com)
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Re: Reynolds number in Aim Fluid-Structure Interaction
Hi PaulB You can define your own named expression that you want to calculate and add it under variable. To know more about creating named expressions please refer to this video .