Using "If cell contains #N/A" as a formula condition.
Jan 7, 2014 · I need help on my Excel sheet. How can I declare the following IF condition properly? if A1 = "n/a" then C1 = B1 else if A1 != "n/a" or has value(int) then C1 = A1*B1
excel - How to turn a string formula into a "real" formula? - Stack ...
Dec 17, 2010 · I have 0,4*A1 in a cell (as a string). How can convert this "string formula" into a real formula and calculate its value, in another cell?
excel - If two cells match, return value from third - Stack Overflow
Oct 15, 2014 · Here's a simple explanation of what I'm having trouble with. Column A: List of 2300 order numbers Column B: Email Address associated with an order number Column C: List of …
excel - Get length of array? - Stack Overflow
Feb 25, 2019 · Length of an array: UBound(columns)-LBound(columns)+1 UBound alone is not the best method for getting the length of every array as arrays in VBA can start at different …
excel - Format numbers as billions / millions / thousands, smartly ...
Select the cells to receive a custom number format and tap Ctrl + 1. When the Format Cells dialog opens, go to the Number tab and choose Custom from the list down the left side. Supply the …
excel - How to continue the code on the next line in VBA - Stack …
Upvoted for explanation in addition to answer. Commenting to add that there is an additional step if you're trying to break up a string. If you want to have a string on two lines you need to close …
Excel: How to check if a cell is empty with VBA? [duplicate]
Via VBA how can I check if a cell is empty from another with specific information? For example: If A:A = "product special" And B:B is null Then C1 = "product special" …
Using "If cell contains" in VBA excel - Stack Overflow
This will loop through all cells in a given range that you define ("RANGE TO SEARCH") and add dashes at the cell below using the Offset() method. As a best practice in VBA, you should …
How to create a GUID in Excel? - Stack Overflow
I need a function to add a GUID to cells in excel. I found this previous question on stackoverflow, but it is not working. It suggests the following function: …
Excel - Make a graph that shows number of occurrences of each …
Aug 11, 2017 · I am trying to make a graph (like a bar graph, number of occurrences on the y and value on the x) that will show each value in a column and the number of times it occurs. How …