Mark 83 bomb - Wikipedia
The Mark 83 is a 1,000-pound (450 kg) bomb, part of the Mark 80 series of low-drag general-purpose bombs in United States service. Ten Mark 83 bombs aboard a US Navy F/A-18E.
The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference - F-16.net
The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a guidance tail kit that converts existing unguided free-fall bombs into accurate, all-weather guided bombs. The JDAM kit consists of a new tail section containing an inertial navigational system and a global …
F16 - Aggressor - Dokuz Eylül University
The MK-83 is a free-fall, nonguided general purpose [GP] 1,000 pound bomb. The bomb can be fitted either with mechanial nose and tail fuzes or with a proximity fuze. During Desert Storm, this bomb was dropped mainly by Marine aircraft conducting close air support/battlefield air interdiction (CAS/BAl) missions.
The B83 (Mk-83) Bomb - Nuclear Weapon Archive
1997年11月11日 · It is the second highest yield weapon now possessed by the U.S. and has options for variable yields. Two stage radiation implosion weapon. High yield strategic bomb with variable yield options ("dial-a-yield" or DAY), and flexible fuzing and delivery options. Designed for high-speed external carriage and low altitude delivery.
The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference - F-16.net
The update includes an add-on tail unit containing a synthetic aperture radar, providing guidance to 1,000lbs Mk.83, 2,000lbs Mk.84 and the 2,000lbs BLU-109 warhead. Other features include passive missile warning, terrain-referenced navigation, and provisions for the 600 US gal (2,271 litre) external fuel tanks and conformal fuel tanks.
F-16战隼战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月28日 · f-16是一架单引擎,多重任务战术飞机,配备有内建的m61火神式机炮,可装备空对空导弹。如果需要的话f-16也可以执行地面支援任务。对于这种任务,f-16能配备多种的导弹或炸弹。
F16 - Aggressor - Dokuz Eylül University
mk - 83... Type : 1,000 lb class general-purpose iron bomb, Length : 9 ft 11 in, Weight : 985 lb, Warhead : 416 lb H-6 high-explosive, Drag factor : 50. The MK - 83 bomb is effective against madium to small buildings, storage tanks and warehouses.
The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference - F-16.net
Paveway II guidance kits were produced for the 2000 lb class MK 84 and BLU-109/B, the 1000 lb MK 83 and the 500 lb MK 82 bombs. The primary manufacturer for Paveway II is Raytheon, building the MAU-169/B series of CCGs.
MK-83炸弹+F-16战机 乌克兰获得对俄纵深打击新手段 - 新华网客 …
MK-83炸弹+F-16战机 乌克兰获得对俄纵深打击新手段----据外媒报道,乌克兰空军首次在前线使用了加装JDAM-ER套件的美制1000磅MK-83炸弹。 相关视频显示,乌克兰第39战术航空旅的苏-27战机在波克罗夫斯克方向,使用该滑翔制导炸弹对俄军阵地进行了轰炸。
View topic - Mk 83 family on Vipers • F-16.net
2006年2月15日 · I've done some research and found out that the Mk83 is employed mainly by the US Navy and Marines...why? - did they need more punch than the 82 and lighter than the 84 for carrier ops? But then again they also use the Mk84s.... What about other Viper operators-do they use the Mk83 family? Maybe there's an obvious answer but I just can't find it!