Genelec 8010A Powered Studio Monitor Review
2016年2月13日 · Genelec 8010A Speaker Listening Test I placed the 8010A on the left side of my monitor on my 5 inch high stand as I always do. First impression was superb: this thing has incredibly tonality with a warm sound that belies its small size. I know it is a cliché and I hate the term it is absolutely unbelievable how much bass comes out of this speaker.
Genelec 8010 vs 8020 for desktop near field lower volume use
2022年10月6日 · The Genelec 8010's sound flatter than both in the midrange, although I was surprised they were a bit warmer (less bright) sounding than I expected. Getting them off the desk on some stands definitely helped to clear up the sound, as they had a proximity boost in the lows when sitting on the desk.
Genelec 8010A Powered Studio Monitor Review
2024年5月29日 · Hope Amir will review the Genelec 8020d, for me was a great value given its size. I had the opportunity of listening the 3 entry level Genelecs, 8010, 8020 and 8030 at my little listening room and the 8020 had the best response. Will be also interesting given that is one of the most successful 4 inch speaker on home desktop setups for studio.
Genelec 8010A Powered Studio Monitor Review
2019年6月3日 · I got one of these Genelec 8010's to try out. I'm comparing it to a Tannoy 402 right now and the Tannoy seems to sound better in some ways. It only costs $100 too. I really expected the Genelec to be a step up since it costs 4x as much and is highly rated. The Genelec has so little bass that it sounds really weak.
Genelec 8010A Powered Studio Monitor Review
2019年11月28日 · This speakers have an f3 of 43 Hz. Because they are assisted-vented systems, just like the Genelec, response falls like a rock below the tuning frequency. - This is why I think at an f3 of 60 Hz, the 8020 would probably not sound full to my ears with the most content.
Genelec 8010A Powered Studio Monitor Review
2021年1月29日 · Though that being said, I've read more than one complaint about audible hiss, presumably because preferred listening distance for 3" monitors tends to be quite short while these aren't really any quieter than the larger models (noise spec is the same for 8010 through 8030, and you'd probably be sitting almost twice as far …
For $1500, buy 2 Genelec 8030C's, or 2 Genelec 8010A's
2021年6月9日 · Both the Genelec 8030C and 8010A speakers received admiring reviews here, with the caveat for both being bass extension/volume. Of course, the 8030C's do better than the 8010A's with bass. My use is mostly near-field listening (4-7 feet from speakers). If I have $1500 to spend, should I buy...
genelec 8010 - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2022年7月7日 · 3x Genelec 8030c, 2x Genelec 8010a For sale is a complete 5.0 Genelec setup. I have been using this system only a few months for movie and music listening and it is the best system I have ever heard, however at my listening distance of almost 3m from the LCR, I want more output so will be going higher up in the Genelec range.
Genelec 8010A Powered Studio Monitor Review
2021年1月8日 · Due to their small size I believe these speakers aren't at their best even at 86 dB. It's telling that the Genelec manual specs harmonic distortion at 80 dB for these but higher for other models. Numbers from the manuals I have on hand: 8010a @ 80 dB 70-400 Hz <3% harmonic distortion G One @ 85 dB 70-400 Hz <3% harmonic distortion *
Genelec 8010A Powered Studio Monitor Review
2020年10月12日 · Genelec does not reccomend outdoor use so i ripped the boards out and put them in a DIY box indoors. I DIY'd a ported subwoofer from sheets of fibre concrete using an SB 8" driver. Signal comes from spotify-chromecast-splitter-minidsp4x4. I choosed the 8010 due to good reviews, all ALU and plastic design, small size and good experience with my ...