r/ggggg - Reddit
r/ggggg is a subreddit on Reddit.
What is the difference between r/gggg and r/ggggg and why does …
Jan 7, 2012 · r/ggggg is the original. It went down once due to a flood of trolls posting the letter 's'. It went down once due to a flood of trolls posting the letter 's'. During this time r/gggg was started by people who were under the assumption that r/ggggg was not coming back.
r/gggg - Reddit
Ggggg ggggg ggg ggggggg, Ggggg ggggg gggg g ggg ggg gggg ggg G. u/theemeraldmustashe. ADMIN MOD ...
gg. ggGGGgggggg, ggg ggGGG GGgggggGGggg,g ggg Ggg ggg …
Jan 7, 2013 · Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 18 votes and 15 comments
Whats with the folks over at /r/ggggg? : r/OutOfTheLoop - Reddit
Aug 14, 2014 · Yeah, It's kind of an inside joke just to be stupid. Compare it to this - but GGGGG uses less effort. hi every1 im new!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h
Just another post from /r/ggggg : r/funny - Reddit
Ggggg ggggg gggg, gggggg gg g ggggggg. Ggggggg gggggg ggg ggggggg ggg ggggg gggg, ggggg ggg ggg, gggg ggg ...
ELI5: What is /r/ggggg - Reddit
Feb 5, 2013 · 23M subscribers in the explainlikeimfive community. Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly…
/r/gggg : r/OutOfTheLoop - Reddit
r/ggggg is way better. r/gggg is mostly text posts containing only only the letter g along with mathematical operators and punctuation. just one of those weird subs that consist solely of voluntary participation in a communal inside joke.
GGGGgGGGGGggggG : r/gggggggg - Reddit
Oct 19, 2012 · Posted by u/WELCOME__TO__DIE - 61 votes and 12 comments
[2015-12-16] Challenge #245 [Intermediate] Ggggggg gggg …
Dec 16, 2015 · Perl 6 Decoding my %key = get.split(' ').reverse; my @codes = %key.keys; for lines() { say .subst: /@codes/, { %key{$_} }, :g }