HELICOIL®螺纹嵌件安装 | Böllhoff
HELICOIL®螺纹嵌件将作用力通过侧面传递到另一个侧面,从而形成高强度、耐磨损、耐热,且具备高精度的螺纹连接。 HELICOIL® Plus第一圈的直径较小,确保了螺纹嵌件可以像螺钉一样安装。 HELICOIL®螺纹嵌件安装简单,成本效益高,只需遵循一些基本规则即可。
HELICOIL®——金属用螺纹套 | Böllhoff
这款螺纹套兼具HELICOIL® Plus螺纹套和HELICOIL® Tangfree螺纹套的优点。 它带有尾柄,但不需要冲断和取出尾柄。 因此,安装时间缩短了约20 %。 这款螺纹套采用精确成型的菱形剖面,可以自由旋入,形成尺寸准确的内螺纹,包括最后一圈螺纹。
HELICOIL® – Filets rapportés pour métaux | Böllhoff
Les filets rapportés HELICOIL® renforcent et réparent les taraudages. Ils créent des assemblages vissés solides
HELICOIL® – Thread inserts for metals | Böllhoff - boellhoff.com
HELICOIL® thread inserts reinforce and repair thread. Discover our product variants for different requirements.
Pose de filets rapportés HELICOIL® | Böllhoff - boellhoff.com
Il existe de nombreuses options allant des outils de pose manuels simples aux systèmes complets entièrement automatisés, en passant par les outils standards.
Thread Repair Kits & Inserts - O'Reilly Auto Parts
Heli-Coil inserts are a repair solution for damaged threads. Simply drill out the damaged threads to the specified size and insert the Heli-Coil. Applications of Heli-Coil inserts include spark plug ports, transmission housings, oil drain plugs, carburetor fuel inlets, brake calipers, head bolts, and intake and exhaust manifolds. Using a Heli-Coil insert repair kit could help you save on ...
Filetes insertos para metales HELICOIL® | Böllhoff
Los filetes insertos HELICOIL® refuerzan y reparan la rosca. Descubra nuestras versiones de producto para distintas necesidades.
HELICOIL® – Gewindeeinsätze für Metalle - Böllhoff
HELICOIL® Gewindeeinsätze verstärken und reparieren Gewinde. Entdecken Sie unsere Produktvarianten für unterschiedliche Anforderungen.
Filetti Riportati HELICOIL® per Metalli – Inserti Per Filettatura ...
I filetti riportati HELICOIL® a forma elicoidale, affidabili e resistenti. Scopri le diverse versioni degli inserti per filettatura per le varie esigenze.
HELICOIL® – Insertos roscados para metais | Böllhoff
Os insertos roscados HELICOIL® reforçam e reparam a rosca. Descubra as nossas variantes de produtos para diferentes requisitos.