I-Gear PP03: Thrust Revealed! - Transformers - Seibertron.com
2010年7月31日 · I-Gear have updated their Partner Products 3 Fighter team page with the 3rd and final figure PP03 Attack. Attack is of course (not)Thrust as you can see. It's looking more and more like...
[第三方] [igear] [PP03t] [红蜘蛛 [搬运]【变形金刚玩具吧】_百度贴吧
刚刚收到新年礼物pp03t就忍不住开包了,03t是我很喜欢的一个角色starscream! 首先谈谈外包装,igear现在每款产品都有配套的纸盒包装,可以减少运输过程给玩具外包装的损伤,不过可惜这只pp03e的纸箱没有之前迷你战士的坚固,以至于外包还是呗压倒了。
Toy Review: IGear PP03 Masterpiece Seeker series - YouTube
Follow me on Twitter! @KumaStyleGfxWhere to buy: TFSource has these on Ebay at 99.99+s&h each. Today I review IGear's PP03 Masterpiece Seeker series. I have ...
iGear PP03 Destroyer, PP03 Traitor, and PP03 Lightning
2011年9月15日 · Third-party toy maker iGear has listed pre-orders for PP03 Destroyer, PP03 Traitor, and PP03 Lightning.
iGear PP-03 Traitor (Insert clever Starscream wordplay) Review!
iGear PP-03 Traitor (Insert clever Starscream wordplay) Review! I know we generally stick to new figures when it comes to these reviews, but with the meteoric rise of Takara’s Masterpiece line, and with several original sculpt 3rd party figures planned to match its scale, now is a really good time to grab some compatible MP-styled offerings ...
iGear MP Seekers Videos for PP03 Elegy, PP03 Jet and PP03-Attack
iGear have posted new videos of their upcoming Seekers releases for PP03 Elegy (Dirge), PP03 Jet (Ramjet), and PP03-Attack (Thrust).
iGear PP03 A/E/J finally in-hand! | TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards
2011年8月10日 · Seriously, if these are available, why no word about it from iGear? I ordered from them months and months ago and they are what, like 4 months late releasing these and …
More iGear PP03 figures? | TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards
2011年8月23日 · So iGear's PP03J (Jet), PP03E (Elegy) and PP03A (Attack) are the three G1 not-Coneheads - not-Ramjet, not-Dirge and not-Thrust respectively. PP03S is Storm, aka not-Sunstorm and PP03C is a blue Seeker/Rainmaker/generic called "Current".
iGear PP03 - Revealed | TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards
2010年6月29日 · This? they're mostly making an exact reproduction of hasbro's own figure, with new wings, head, and accessory. 90+% of it is an exact-size recasting of MP starscream's …
PP03T Seeker Traitor | iGear | TFSource
Next up from iGear is PP03T Traitor! A limited edition, we will update with updated prototype pictures when available.