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The i-Grid is an innovative, web-based distributed power quality and reliability monitoring and notification system.
Smart Solutions for Smart Grids | iGrid T&D
2024年11月13日 · Find the latest news about iGrid T&D, smart grids, and substation automation iGrid Innovates with Native ICCP/TASE.2 Integration in RTUs and Gateways: Secure and …
iControl – SCADA for Substations, Power Plants and MV Grids | iGrid T&D
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are fundamental for the automation and local/remote control of generation plants and substations. iControl SCADA software is …
iRTU – Advanced All-in-One Controller for Electrical Grids | iGrid T&D
Our secure and scalable RTUs can simultaneously handle older (e.g. Modbus) and newer (e.g. IEC 61850) protocols on serial, wireless and Ethernet networks — making substation …
COMPANY - 会社情報 | 株式会社アイ・グリッド・ソリューショ …
グリーンエネルギーの循環で、地域の魅力を活性化させる「GX CITY®」構想. TECHNOLOGY. アイ・グリッドのテクノロジー. R.E.A.L. New Energy Platform® とは. R.E.A.L. New Energy …
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The i-Grid is an innovative, web-based distributed power quality and reliability monitoring and notification system.
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The i-Grid is an innovative, web-based distributed power quality and reliability monitoring and notification system.
友環公司-10Tec iGrid.NET Control 網格控件開發整合工具
iGrid.NET 是 Windows Forms 平台的多功能 WinForms 網格控件,屬於 Microsoft .NET Framework的一部分。 軟體開發人員使用 iGrid for WinForms 構建可調整的表格介面。 …