Home - MyiMaths
MyiMaths is an interactive online teaching and homework subscription website for schools that provides coverage for a range of international curricula for ages 11-18 including the International Baccalaureate, Cambridge Assessment International Education, Edexcel and OxfordAQA.
MyiMaths - Bringing maths alive - Overview
MyiMaths is an interactive online teaching and homework subscription website for schools that provides coverage for a range of international curricula for ages 11-18 including the International Baccalaureate, Cambridge Assessment International Education, Edexcel and OxfordAQA.
iMaths 2 National Edition Student Book
This iMaths Student Book is a great resource for developing numeracy skills in a fun manner. It is investigation-based and was designed to fit the standards of the Australian Curriculum. Inside, there problem-solving tasks, maths investigations, and more demanding tasks for …
iMaths 2 The grid below shows a suggested yearly plan containing one or two Investigations per term. An assessment week has been allocated to each Investigation. Topics that are not included in the Investigations are scheduled for independent teaching and assessment. Note : The Topics marked with an * contain Problem solving tasks.
iMaths 2 Investigations and Topics The grid below shows the 12 Investigations and the associated Topics. ... MG17 Here, there and everywhere SP2 Collecting data SP3 Column graphs 2 Show time 28 NA10 Addition facts NA11 Mental strategies for addition NA12 Written strategies for addition NA13 Subtraction facts NA14 Mental strategies for ...
iMaths Features - Firefly Education
The iMaths program is no longer available and has been superseded by Maths Trek. The release of the new Australian Curriculum presented a great opportunity to review our longstanding iMaths program and make something even better.
Rational Reasoning IMathAS
This system is designed for mathematics, providing delivery of homework, quizzes, tests, practice tests, and diagnostics with rich mathematical content. Students can receive immediate feedback on algorithmically generated questions with numerical or algebraic expression answers.
Imaths student book 2 by Education Store - Issuu
Make sure you understand the meanings of: best value, budget, change, expensive, final, total and wish list. Teacher note • Comprehensive lesson notes, suggestions and resources are available in...
2024年3月11日 · iMaths将数学知识和游戏结合在一起,把数学知识不留痕迹地融入到剧情模块中,借用游戏的外表吸引孩子参与学习,减轻重复练习的枯燥感,让孩子在“玩”中学,“趣”中练。
2nd Class Maths - i-MATH
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