Royer Oscillator as a DC-DC converter - Circuit design | Eng-Tips
2007年6月5日 · We have a relatively old (ca. 1970s) design for a DC-DC converter which centers on a saturable core toroid transformer. A center tap feedback winding provides the signals to the bases of two complementary NPN transistors; these transistors nominally switch at around 5 kHz. At room temp and above, the circuit starts up fine.
Rewinding of submersible pump motor - Eng-Tips
2018年2月22日 · 4) The switching frequency (for the drive) should be set somewhere between 3 and 5 kHz - note that in the OP's original post, it was indicated this had been set to 2.5 kHz. 5) According to the drive manufacturer documentation, A SINE WAVE FILTER IS REQUIRED - REGARDLESS OF CABLE DISTANCE BETWEEN DRIVE AND MOTOR.
Possible reasons for VFD line reactor failure? - Eng-Tips
2002年5月29日 · It sounds like a core heating thing. To be able to judge if that is the case, one needs to look for capacitors (or long cables) to resonate with. Reactor/capacitor combinations often have a tendency to ring somewhere between 5 and 20 kHz and that is an extremely effective frequency when it comes to induction heating.
Phase calculation with tacho - Mechanical Acoustics ... - Eng-Tips
2008年4月29日 · 102.4 kHz sampling, 130dB dynamic range . Upvote 0 Downvote. Apr 30, 2008 #5 GregLocock Automotive. Apr 10 ...
sharing signal and power ground - Circuit design | Eng-Tips
2005年7月18日 · I generally share the signal and power ground together for analog(and mixed circuits <1 KHz).Does this practice introduce noise in the system. The circuits many times does not work if I separate them, so I am forced to do it to make it work. Am I missing something about designing here.
Grounded vs ungrounded capacitor banks 1 - Eng-Tips
2005年7月8日 · As far as Cannons' Technology, it is simply a case of their 12.5 Khz signal being shunted to ground due to the low impedance of the caps at that frequency (which is the reason for the blocking units).
Mechanical Acoustics/Vibration engineering - Eng-Tips
2000年5月12日 · Dear bohica,The mV/g is a unit for sensitivity factor relating the voltage output of an accelerometer to the acceleration unit g = 32.3 ft/sec*2 = 386.4 in/sec*2 = 9.81 m/s*2.The mm/s is a unit of velocity (one parameter of vibration parameters, i.e., acceleration, velocity and displacement)Now to convert the acceleration output to velocity reading, you need to know …
What is the connection between IP3 and 1dB comp. point 5 - Eng …
2004年11月16日 · "1 MHz spacing": if you have two tones at 1 KHz spacing, you would need 1000 times the amount of DC bypass capacitance on the power supply as you would with two tones at 1 MHz. Also, with that whoping big capacitance, you would need very low series resistance in the capacitors.