Convert Kwh to KVA - OnlineConversion Forums
How to convert 1,000-kwh to KVA assuming the power source is at 380-volt, 3-phase, 50-hertz and power factor at 0.85.
Diesel Generator kWh produced - OnlineConversion Forums
2014年7月15日 · If I assume the sum of the three line currents is 9 A, and power factor = 1, you are generating about 2000 W (2 kW). For a better estimate, measure current on line 3 and plug into method above. If you only had line to line voltage, divide it by the square root of 3 to approximate line to neutral.
how do i convert kva to kwh - OnlineConversion Forums
2011年8月29日 · You need to know the power factor or phase angle to convert kVA to kW (multiply by the power factor or by the cosine of the phase angle. Second, you need to know the hours run at that power level to get kWh, which is a unit of energy not a unit of power.
Convert KWh to Volt Amps - OnlineConversion Forums
2010年4月30日 · Welcome to the OnlineConversion.com forums. Due to changes in this version of the forum software, you are now required to register before you may post.
how to convert kVA into kg/hr - OnlineConversion Forums
2008年6月5日 · Very few would achieve 35%, and 25% would be relatively poor, except for small generators (<10 kW), which might even be around 20%. #2 diesel runs about 42.8 MJ/kg (LHV). If consuming 1 kg/h, you could generate about 12.8 MJ or 3.56 kW. The owner's manual usually gives some idea of fuel consumption at rated load.
Amps To Kilowatts - OnlineConversion Forums
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Diesel Generator to KWH - OnlineConversion Forums
2013年3月20日 · Lets us suppose you are generating 12 kW actual electrical load (for an hour). This is a relatively small engine and operating well below max load. Let me assume it is running at 25% thermal efficiency (A larger, well optimized diesel might hit 33%. So thermal input is 48 kW. For typical diesel fuel this would be around 4.8 L/h.
how to convert amps into kwh usage - OnlineConversion Forums
2007年9月22日 · If I multiply the volt*ampere rating, I get 3*230 V*26 A = 17940 VA = 17.94 kVA. However, if I assume the voltage is line-to-line and divide by the square root of 3, I get 10.4 kVA. If the power factor is close to 1, then it is also 10.4 kW. Just multiply by …
generator size - OnlineConversion Forums
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Which numbers to convert - OnlineConversion Forums
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