KW II 754 (r) (Germany) | War Thunder Wiki
KW II 754 (r) III. Rank. AB. 3.7. RB. 3.7. SB. 3.7. Battle rating. Germany. Game nation. Heavy tank. Main role. 1,750. Purchase. Premium vehicle. Status. Compare. Show in game. General information. ... Vertical 2.1 1.7 5.5 3.5 → 3 2.4 7.8 5 °/s . Available ammunition . Ammunition Type Armor penetration (mm) at a distance: 10 m 100 m 500 m ...
KW-2 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
КВ-2) – radziecki czołg ciężki okresu II wojny światowej z serii czołgów KW. Czołg KW-2 powstał jako wersja pochodna nowego typu czołgu ciężkiego KW-1, opracowanego w 1939 w Leningradzkich Zakładach Kirowskich (LKZ). Oznaczenie KW otrzymał na cześć ludowego komisarza obrony Klimienta Woroszyłowa.
Kliment Voroshilov tank - Wikipedia
The Kliment Voroshilov (KV; Russian: Климент Ворошилов, КВ) tanks are a series of Soviet heavy tanks named after the Soviet defence commissar and politician Kliment Voroshilov who operated with the Red Army during World War II.
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伊万,你的坦克真好用!-战争雷霆德系三级金币车KV-Ⅱ 754(r) …
KV-Ⅱ 754 (r)是苏联活动金币车KV-2 1940型的德缴版,于是安东给神教上了具有德系坦克特色的车长指挥塔,所以看起来怪怪的。 德军正在观察 KV-2 1940型. 火力方面,KV-Ⅱ 754 (r)还是跟苏联同志们的KV-2一样,都是152mm M-10T榴弹炮,比1939型多了一挺7.62mm机枪。 超大的口径也带来了非常笨重的火力数据。 满级王牌成员组的装填速度为33.3s,将近半分钟的时间。 也就是说,开炮后的火力真空期非常长。 方向机转速只有6度/s,高低机只有3度/s,一旦被近身,只 …
KV-2 - Tank Encyclopedia
2015年4月26日 · In German sources, this variant is referred to as the KW-2B or KW-IIB. It is sometimes wrongly designated as the KV-2A, KV-2 M1940, KV-2 M1941 or KV-2B. The turret is often erroneously called the MT-2, seemingly as a progression over the wrong MT-1 designation of the previous turret.
Is German KW II 754r worth it? I just got a 30% discount and
2022年5月24日 · Yes definitely. It's a german kv-2. Don't push too hard cause your reload but just pop out and over pressure things.
KW ll 754 (r) germany. is it good? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2023年3月9日 · It's a KV-2, of course it's fun. It is a fun tank but is not the best tank/requires a lot of skill. If you miss/fail to kill with your shot, a 40 second reload awaits you. Also you can get it in the war bond shop if you are working on the battle pass (ps.
Pz.Kpfw. KW II 754 (r) - DeviantArt
2021年11月25日 · Only one KV-2 is left intact as a survivor of the war, it is housed at the Central Armed Forces Museum in Moscow. SOurce: wiki.warthunder.com/KV_II_754_… Image source: www.pinterest.ph/pin/289848926…
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