Partition coefficient - Wikipedia
Overview of the many logP and other physical property calculators available commercially and on-line. XLOGP3, a simple LogP estimator used by PubChem (release 2021.05.07)
LogP, LogD, pKa and LogS: A Physicists guide to basic chemical ...
2024年1月6日 · LogP measures the logarithm of ration between the concentration of a compound in a non-polar solvent and in water. It is common practice to measure this using octanol (PubChem 2003) as the non-polar solvent. Mathematically LogP is defined like \[\text{LogP} = \log \frac{[\text{Drug}]_{\text{non-polar}}}{[\text{Drug}]_{\text{water}}}\]
Logp - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
LogP is the log of the partition coefficient of a solute between octanol and water, at near infinite dilution. LogP is widely used in drug discovery and development as an indicator of potential utility of a solute as a drug.
LogP vs LogD - What is the Difference? - ACD/Labs
2024年10月29日 · LogP and logD are important values to consider during drug design as both give insight to the lipophilicity and hydrophilicity of compounds.
Using Log P and Log D to Assess Drug Bioavailability
2022年12月14日 · Since most solutes will heavily favor one solvent over the other, the concentration in each layer will differ by several magnitudes. Therefore, we often use log P values instead, where a difference of 1 unit value corresponds to a 10-fold increase or decrease in the concentration ratio.
What is the Role of LogP in Sample Prep Methods? - Biotage
LogP, or octanol-water partition coefficient, is a measure of how hydrophilic or hydrophobic a molecule is. It indicates how readily an analyte will partition between an aqueous and organic phase. A more polar, hydrophilic compound will have a lower logP (the value can even be negative) and prefer to “reside” in the aqueous phase. More non ...
How Can I Obtain LogP Values? The partition coefficient of a compound can be experimentally measured using a variety of widely accepted methods. The two most common methods are Shake Flask and HPLC. The Shake Flask Method, suitable for the broadest range of solutes, is rather time-consuming, though generally thought to be the most accurate.
What is logP and log D ? what are they used? what is the effect …
LogP is equivalent to logD for non-ionisable compounds and represents the partition of the neutral form for ionizable compounds (and, hence, is a virtual, unmeasurable, property).
LogP | DrugBank Help Center
DrugBank Help Center
What do LogP values mean? - ScienceOxygen
2022年9月3日 · LogP gives you an indication of how well the molecule will partition into the organic elution solvent. The higher the logP, the more likely the compound will partition from the SLE phase into the organic elution solvent like dichloromethane, ethyl acetate or MTBE.