Mihi - introductions, Māori ki Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
At the beginning of any hui, following the pōwhiri (formal welcome) or the mihi whakatau (a welcome, as practised off marae across the Ngāi Tahu tribal region), a round of introductions …
Learn your mihi - Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
We have created a tool so that you can introduce yourself in te reo Māori. This short mihi proclaims who you are and where you come from by saying your name, where your ancestors …
Mihimihi - akomanga
Mihimihi are informal introductions at the beginning of any hui, gathering or event. Everyone's mihi can be different and many different styles can be used. For learners it is often difficult to …
Mihi whakatau and mihimihi - Massey University
Find out what happens at a mihi whakatau, and learn how to introduce yourself with a mihimihi and a pepeha. A mihi whakatau is a general welcome in Māori. It's less formal than a pōwhiri. …
2. Mihi & Pepeha - Pātaka
In mihi and pepeha Ko focuses our attention by pointing to each important aspect that defines, locates and connects a person. Mahia: Look at the template for pepeha in the course …
2016年7月2日 · The difference between a pepeha and a mihi can be seen as: The mihi is an acknowledgement, The pepeha is the way to introduce yourself in Maori. This is a general …
Mihi and Pepeha – Speeches and Greetings – Hongi NZ
A Mihi is a greeting in Maori. It is a way of saying hello in a casual setting but on formal occasions, such a Powhiri, it must contain something known as a Pepeha or introduction. This …
Mihi & Kōrero Tuakiri - Reo Māori Mai
2024年4月23日 · Mihi can include personal information of belonging and connection, as well as greetings and acknowledgements to people, places, kaupapa and more. mihimihi - the …
mihi - Te Aka Māori Dictionary
The basic format for whaikōrero is: tauparapara (a type of karakia); mihi ki te whare tupuna (acknowledgement of the ancestral house); mihi ki a Papatūānuku (acknowledgement of …
mihi - Te Aka Māori Dictionary
1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to greet, pay tribute, acknowledge, thank. I muri iho ka heke te wahine nōna nei te whare ki te kīhini, ā, ana ki te kuki mō te āhua pai ake o ngā kai e tunua ana e ia …