Solved: How to change units from mm to feet inches in in …
2019年3月12日 · On the Primary Units tab, enter inches in the Suffix box and set the Scale Factor to 25.4 (as there are 25.4 mm per inch) Click OK, and then click Close; In the drawing, select the dimensions that you want to be displayed in inches; Right-click and click Properties on the shortcut menu; Expand the Misc category
REVIT 2016, change from mm to ft. - Autodesk Community
2015年10月15日 · Just installed Revit 2016, open up a new drawing and tried to place a door/window but the unit was in mm and not ft./in. How do I change the units to ft./in.
conversion of mm to square feet in autocad - Autodesk Community
2018年1月20日 · Assuming you mean 2829612966 square mm, and if you're not using Acad LT [which doesn't have AutoLisp capability], look into the (cvunit) [= convert units] AutoLisp function: Command: (cvunit 2829612966 "sq mm" "sq ft") 30457.7
Solved: How to show Co-ordinates in "mm" and "Feet &Inch" …
2015年11月24日 · Once I clicked on workspace then I want below as a text. N 000mm (0' 0") W 000mm (0' 0") I tried ID command but only one unit shows either mm or ft. in. Dim Ordinates command gives both units like mm & ft.in. but at a time either North or west value I want both north and west values in one click.
How to Convert mm to feet in AutoCAD 2015 - Informational
2015年3月12日 · It is displayed in millimeters but the scale factor is 0.0033. Hence the unit 1 mm is converted into 0.0033 foot. Therefore our millimeter drawing gets converted into foot here. Lastly Specify the options such as insertion point, scale and rotation before inserting the wblock file which contains mm units.
Urgent help......Converting a drawing from feet to MM
2018年1月30日 · If the original was drawn with a drawing unit representing a foot, Scale it all up 304.8 times as big [= 25.4 x 12 = the number of mm in a foot]. Kent Cooper , AIA Reply
Room schedule showing dimensions in both mm and feet.
2021年2月24日 · Within the link all the rooms have floor areas with standard length and width dimensions with parameters linked to the room area. When loaded into the main model i create a room schedule, link it to the revit link and am able to show each flats rooms on the schedule with a L x W dimension (in mm) and an area shown in m2 and ft2. The dimensions ...
Use meters as primary unit and feet/inches as alternate unit
2021年11月9日 · You have separate scaling in the Alternate units setting tab in dimstyle. I assume you have drawn in metric and you want to have the alternate in "feet-inches" style (sorry, am not familiar with Imperial units). Then, you must set the Scale Factor for Primary units to whatever number to produce a measurement of "1" for one meter (1 if 1unit=1m, 0.01 if …
Change the units for walls and doors - Autodesk Community
2017年6月24日 · So say for example you load a family that has all of the types named for sizes in MM. You can load that into a project that uses imperial or metric units. In the properties (instance or type) you will enter sizes in the units of the project, but the NAME of the type will ALWAYS be in MM sizes because that was the name from the content you loaded.
Solved: Millimeters to Inches and Feets - Autodesk Community
2019年10月31日 · Got a project from a design company but the entire thing is in millimeters. We need that in American measurement Feet and Inches.