MyBatis 3 | Getting started – mybatis
The full set of features provided by MyBatis can be realized by using the XML based mapping language that has made MyBatis popular over the years. If you've used MyBatis before, the …
MyBatis 3 | Introduction – mybatis
What is MyBatis? MyBatis is a first class persistence framework with support for custom SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings. MyBatis eliminates almost all of the JDBC code …
MyBatis 3 | 入门 – mybatis
如果对如何通过依赖注入框架使用 MyBatis 感兴趣,可以研究一下 MyBatis-Spring 或 MyBatis-Guice 两个子项目。 SqlSessionFactoryBuilder 这个类可以被实例化、使用和丢弃,一旦创建了 …
MyBatis 3 | 简介 – mybatis
MyBatis 免除了几乎所有的 JDBC 代码以及设置参数和获取结果集的工作。MyBatis 可以通过简单的 XML 或注解来配置和映射原始类型、接口和 Java POJO(Plain Old Java Objects,普通老 …
MyBatis Dynamic SQL
MyBatis supports returning generated values from a single row insert, or a batch insert. In either case, it is simply a matter of configuring the insert mapper method appropriately. For example, …
MyBatis 3 | Dynamic SQL – mybatis
One of the most powerful features of MyBatis has always been its Dynamic SQL capabilities. If you have any experience with JDBC or any similar framework, you understand how painful it is …
MyBatis 3 | Configuration – mybatis
The MyBatis configuration contains settings and properties that have a dramatic effect on how MyBatis behaves. The high level structure of the document is as follows: configuration …
简介 – mybatis-spring-boot-autoconfigure
MyBatis-Spring-Boot-Starter 可以帮助你更快地在 Spring Boot 之上构建 MyBatis 应用。 你将通过使用这个模块实现以下目的: 构建单体应用程序
Java API - MyBatis 3
MyBatis 3 构建在全面且强大的基于 Java 语言的配置 API 之上。 它是 XML 和注解配置的基础。 注解提供了一种简单且低成本的方式来实现简单的映射语句。
MyBatis Step by Step Guide book available (Chinese)
2017年6月24日 · This book starts with a simple MyBatis query and builds the basic development environment for learning MyBatis. Through the comprehensive sample code and test to …