Use navigation in Google Maps - Android - Google Maps Help
Important: Navigation and info about which lane to use aren't available in all countries, regions, and languages. Oversized or emergency vehicles aren't the intended users of navigation. What you need to use navigation. On your phone or tablet: Turn on your GPS. Let Google Maps use your current location and audio speakers. Start or stop navigation
Get started with Google Maps - Android - Google Maps Help
This article will help you set up, learn the basics and explain various features of Google Maps. You can use the Google Maps app on your mobile device or Google Maps on your computer.
Use navigation in Google Maps - iPhone & iPad - Google Maps Help
Start or stop navigation. Open the Google Maps app . Search for a place or tap it on the map. In the bottom left, tap Directions. It'll show a car, bus, bike, person waving, or person walking. Learn how to add more destinations. Choose your mode of transportation. If alternate routes are available, they show in gray on the map.
Navigation in Google Maps verwenden
Navigation starten oder beenden. Öffnen Sie die Google Maps App auf Ihrem Android-Smartphone oder ‑Tablet. Suchen Sie einen Ort oder tippen Sie auf der Karte darauf. Tippen Sie unten links auf Route. Wenn Sie die Schaltfläche gedrückt halten, wird die Navigation direkt gestartet und Sie können die Schritte 4 bis 6 überspringen.
Use navigation in Google Maps built into your car
For easy and reliable navigation, use the Google Maps app in your car. Maps will guide you with real-time traffic information to find the best route to your destination. Voice navigation updates you with traffic information, turn-by-turn instructions, which lanes to use, and route updates if a better route becomes available.
Get directions & show routes in Google Maps
Click points on the map, type an address, or add a place name. Choose your mode of transportation. To get driving directions, click Driving . To get transit directions, click Transit . To get walking directions, click Walking . To get rideshare or taxi options, click Ride . To get cycling directions, click Cycle . To get flight options, click ...
Download areas & navigate offline in Google Maps
Select your own map in Google Maps. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app . Tap your profile picture or initial Offline maps. Tap Select your own map. Adjust the map according to the area you want to download. Tap Download.
Fix voice navigation problems - Android - Google Maps Help
Start navigation. At the top right, you should see Sound . If you don’t see this, tap Mute Sound . Google Maps should start talking. Step 3: Turn up the volume in the Maps app. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app . Tap your profile picture or initial Settings Navigation settings Voice level. Choose Louder.
Google Maps Help
Official Google Maps Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Maps and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Explore the Earth on your computer - Google Earth Help
The navigation controls are in the upper right corner of the map and fade when you aren’t using them. To show navigation controls, mouse over the right corner of the map. If you don’t find the navigation controls, in the top menu, click View Show Navigation Automatically. Show or hide the compass: In the top menu, click View Show Navigation.