OK Hand Emoji - EmojiTerra
The OK hand emoji 👌 features a hand with the thumb and forefinger touching to form an "O", while the other fingers remain extended. This gesture typically signifies agreement, satisfaction, or that everything is okay. It is often used in text messages and social media to convey approval, perfection, or a relaxed attitude towards a situation.
OK Hand Emoji - Emojipedia
A gesture showing the index finger and thumb touching to make an open circle. Represents “I’m okay” or “yes, that’s correct / good”. In American Sign Language (ASL), the number nine is represented with this gesture. The same hand sign can be seen as offensive in some cultures, including in parts of Europe, the Middle East, and South America.
Ok手势 表情符号 — 含义和用法 - Emojis Wiki
2023年12月7日 · 👌 Ok手势 Emoji 属于👩 ️💋👨 人和身体 的类别,是 🤏 手指部分开放 的子类别。 Unicode 于 2010 年在 表情符号版本 1.0 中添加了这个表情符号。
意思: OKEmoji表情符号 | EmojiAll
Emoji表情符号 👌 的意思是OK,它与手, 好的有关,可以在表情符号类别" 👌 人类和身体" - "👌 几根手指"中找到。 👌 是一个Emoji修饰符基础,它可以作为一个单独的Emoji使用,还可以与肤色Emoji修饰符结合,组成新的Emoji。
OK Hand Emoji — Meanings, Usage & Copy - Emojis Wiki
2024年3月24日 · OK Hand emoji is the picture of a hand gesture, which is commonly used instead of saying OK — and not only online like the so-called 🙆 Person Gesturing OK emoji, which is never seen in real life (at least, in this meaning). It looks like a circle made by an index finger and a thumb with all other fingers pointing up.
意思: OK手势: 中等肤色Emoji表情符号 | EmojiAll
Emoji表情符号 🙆🏽 的意思是OK手势: 中等肤色,它与ok, OK手势, 中等肤色, 好的有关,可以在表情符号类别" 👌 人类和身体" - "🙋 人物姿势"中找到。 🙆🏽 是一个Emoji修饰符序列,它由两个Emoji组合而成,分别是: 🙆 (Emoji修饰符基础)和 🏽 (Emoji修饰符)。
意思: OK按钮Emoji表情符号 | EmojiAll
Emoji表情符号 🆗 的意思是OK按钮,它与同意, 按键, 好的, 可以有关,可以在表情符号类别" 🛑 符号" - "🅰 字符"中找到。 🆗 范例与用法 🔸 当妈妈 👩 给你发来今天的购物清单 🧾 时,你会回复: 🆗
Person Gesturing Ok Emoji - EmojiTerra
The person gesturing OK emoji 🙆 depicts a person with arms above their head, forming an 'O' shape, suggesting everything is fine or acceptable. This gesture is widely recognized as a universal sign for "OK" or approval, utilizing body language …
OK Emoji - Emojipedia
A gesture showing the index finger and thumb touching to make an open circle. Represents “I’m okay” or “yes, that’s correct / good”. In American Sign Language (ASL), the number nine is represented with this gesture. The same hand sign can be seen as offensive in some cultures, including in parts of Europe, the Middle East, and South America.
:"OK手"emoji表情 - emoji表情大全
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