Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot (SAFFIR)
2021年10月20日 · SAFFiR is a two-legged, or bipedal, humanoid robot designed to help researchers evaluate the applications of unmanned systems in damage control and inspections aboard naval vessels,...
船舶自动灭火机器人 - 百度百科
美国海军研发的一种消防机器人,全称“舰载自主消防机器人(SAFFiR)”,能够在整个舱船上自主移动,并和人交互,处理通常是由人类进行的危险消防任务。 美国海军研究实验室(NRL)的科学家们成立一个跨学科的工作团队,团队中包括来自弗吉尼亚理工大学和宾夕法尼亚大学的研究人员。 其中包括美国海军研究办公室(ONR)下属“类人机器人互动与识别神经科学项目组”的主管托马斯·麦克坎纳(ThomasMcKenna)博士,弗吉尼亚理工学院机械工程学助理教授布莱恩·莱特 …
U.S. Navy unveils robotic firefighter | CNN Business
2015年2月12日 · Called the Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot (SAFFiR), the team at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) chose a humanoid-type robot as the best way of...
SAFFiR: Shipboard Autonomous Fire-Fighting Robot - RoMeLa
The SAFFiR project is to design a bio-inspired bipedal robot utilized for finding and extinguishing fires aboard naval ships. The first full-fledged robot in this project, named ASH (Autonomous Shipboard Humanoid), is powered by custom linear serial elastic actuators that incorporate custom titanium springs.
SAFFiR, the US Navy’s prototype firefighting robot gets baptism …
2015年2月5日 · The latest product of this effort is SAFFiR, a bipedal humanoid robot standing 5 ft 10 in (178 cm) tall and weighing 143 lb (64.8 kg). Based on the CHARLI-L1 robot created at …
Making Sailors 'SAFFiR' - Navy Unveils Firefighting Robot …
2015年2月4日 · The Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot (SAFFiR), sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), walked across uneven floors, used thermal imaging to identify overheated...
A Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot for the U.S. Navy
Scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory, along with researchers from Virginia Tech and University of Pennsylvania, have been developing a humanoid, firefighting robot called the Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot (SAFFiR). The robot is being designed to move autonomously throughout the ship, interact with people, and fight fires ...
Our First Look Inside SAFFiR, the U.S. Navy's Firefighting Robot
2012年3月19日 · To recap, some of the distinguishing features of SAFFiR include those big, serious parallel linear actuators on the hip and ankle joints, titanium springs in the knees, and a central aluminum structure to allow to robot to carry a …
SAFFiR - navaldrones.com
2015年2月4日 · SAFFiR is a bipedal, humanoid robot designed to help researchers evaluate how unmanned systems can support Sailors with damage control aboard naval vessels.
SAFFIR The Firefighting Robot
In the case of the SAFFiR robot, it has been designed to help firefighters do their job by doing certain dangerous tasks. As firefighting can be considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, it is natural to want to find ways to save human life or to avoid potential injuries as a result of this dangerous task.