..SCP-999 many years later.. : r/SCP - Reddit
SCP-999 as a child already has the capability to "defeat" SCP-682. I wonder how different it'll be now if you put grown up SCP-999 against SCP-682. And I put defeat in quotation marks because SCP-682 was beaten not by being killed. SCP-999 just won.
Official SCP-999 Art : r/SCP - Reddit
2020年11月15日 · SCP-999 was the third one I wrote, and its popularity took me completely by surprise. I honestly thought it was going to be rejected due to the "cutesy" theme, but lots of people really, really liked it.
Can scp 999 do any harm? : r/SCP - Reddit
2020年9月2日 · To answer your question, SCP-999 is technically capable of harming someone, though it would never do so intentionally. The only instance of SCP-999 actively harming another creature is during Experiment Log 914-0 , during Test 914-0196, when a sample of 999's slime was put through "very fine" and it produced a tiny blue version of 999 dubbed "E ...
Why is SCP-999, the tickle monster, contained? : r/SCP - Reddit
2020年4月29日 · As safe and beneficial to the world 999 could be, he is an anomaly that will pretty much disrupt the whole world if found and cause a lot of questions to pop up, and makes things harder to control. Maybe in a broken masquerade scenario where secrecy and normalcy is not needed, such scps won't need to be contained.
Has anyone written the story of 999 vs the scarlet king : r/SCP
2020年6月16日 · I know that in one form of canon/myth scp-999 is supposed to defeat his father the scarlet king, so I was hoping someone would've written this story into existence already This thread is archived
Can SCP-999 be destroyed or killed? : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年1月20日 · In the logs, it says that SCP-682 stepped on SCP-999 but since it is a blob of slime, it didn't die and just pulled itself together. Based on this interaction, I was wondering what would happen if SCP-999 came in contact with SCP-096?
Scp 999, a gelatinous blob of happiness and pure joy. Now, in
2020年5月20日 · 448 votes, 13 comments. 716K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction…
Does scp-999 have eyes? : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年7月10日 · i have seen many fanarts of scp-999 and in all of them he has eyes but in the wiki document it never states scp-999 has eyes. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Would the GOC kill SCP-999 since they terminated a innocent …
The most likely scenario? SCP-999 does not represent a threat to Humanity or a potential veil breach. It does not threaten any part of the Fivefold Mission (Survival, Protection, Concealment, Destruction, Education). At worst, it is a problem to deal with later. It is paranormal, but not necessarily a parathreat.
SCP-999 is extremely powerful and no one is talking about it.
2022年9月21日 · The phrase “proved to be canon” in the context of SCP is inherently flawed as there isn’t a singular canon. 999 is the scarlet king’s son, 999 isn’t the scarlet king’s son, 999 is the byproduct of the Australian prime minister shitting himself in a McDonald’s in 1997, all equally plausible and valid and irrelevant at the same time, it’s up to the story that’s being told at ...