Special unitary group - Wikipedia
In mathematics, the special unitary group of degree n, denoted SU (n), is the Lie group of n × n unitary matrices with determinant 1. The matrices of the more general unitary group may have complex determinants with absolute value 1, rather than real 1 in the special case. The group operation is matrix multiplication.
Representation theory of SU(2) - Wikipedia
When an element of SU(2) is written as a complex 2 × 2 matrix, it is simply a multiplication of column 2-vectors. It is known in physics as the spin-1/2 and, historically, as the multiplication of quaternions (more precisely, multiplication by a unit quaternion).
二维特殊酉群SU(2) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年1月1日 · 我们定义U (2)=\ {U\in C^ {2\times2}|U^+U=I\},可以证明这是一个群,称为二维酉群。 从定义可以知道,det (U)=\pm1,一种特殊的情况是det (U)=1,称为二维特殊酉群,记做SU (2)。
李群初步:SU(2)群和SO(3)群 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SU (2) 群是一个矩阵群,群元素为 2\times 2 的幺正矩阵,而且矩阵的行列式为1. 如果将 SU (2) 群的一个元素写做 e^ {iA} ,那么因为 e^ {iA} e^ {-iA^ {\dagger}}= I ,所以 e^ {-iA^ {\dagger}} = e^ {-iA} . 因此,就有 A = A^ {\dagger} ,也就是 A 是Hermite矩阵。 又因为 \text {det} (e^ {iA}) = e^ {i\text {Tr} A} = 1 ,所以 \text {Tr} A = 0 . 定义 泡利矩阵 为.
The group SU(2) is the group of unitary 2 2 complex matrices with determinant 1. Every such matrix can be uniquely written as. for (z;w) 2 C2, with the condition that jzj2 + jwj2 = 1. In other words, SU(2) is topologically equivalent to the unit sphere in C2, which is the same as the real 3 …
2017年4月25日 · We will now work out in detail the properties of SU(2) and its representations. We have already seen that the generators may be chosen to be. with σi = the Pauli matrices. βij = −ǫaibǫbja = 2δij. Thus our generators are not quite canonically normalized, but are all nor-malized equally, and β is positive definite.
SU(2) is isomorphic to the description of angular momentum – SO(3). SU(2) also describes isospin – for nucleons, light quarks and the weak interaction. We see how to describe hadrons in terms of several quark wavefunctions. SU(2) corresponds to special unitary transformations on complex 2D vectors.
General form of $SU(2)$ matrix - Mathematics Stack Exchange
I am having hard time showing that every matrix in $SU(2)$ is of the form $\begin{pmatrix}z & -\overline w \\ w & \overline z\end{pmatrix}$ for some $z, w \in \mathbb{C}$ such that $|z|^2 + |w|^2 =1$. In most of the sources (including answers here) it is stated as something well-known.
SU(2) - Wikiversity
2020年11月22日 · The special unitary group SU(n) is a real matrix Lie group of dimension n 2 − 1. Topologically, it is compact and simply connected. Algebraically, it is a simple Lie group (meaning its Lie algebra is simple; see below). The center of SU(n) is isomorphic to the cyclic group Z n.
【群论】入门笔记-Chapter9-SU (2)群与SO (3)群的关系 - 知乎
顾名思义,它是由行列式为 1 的二维 幺正矩阵 构成的。 这个群与我们之前提到的SO (3)是局域等价的,它拥有与后者一样的 李代数。 从宏观性质来说,它拥有紧致性以及单连通性。 因此所有李代数的不可约表示都是SU (2)群的单值表示。 在Chapter7中,我们已经展示了,所有SO (3)群的元素都可以映射到行列式为 1 的 2\times 2 的幺正矩阵 D^ {1/2} (\alpha,\beta,\gamma) 上。 不难证明,所有的SU (2)群的元素也可以用同样的方式参数化,简单的,我们创造一个任意二维矩阵 …
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