Tides: predicted vs. actual - TexasKayakFisherman.com
2003年6月26日 · Tides: predicted vs. actual. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. Otterzhero Posts: 33 Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:40 pm
Predicted Tides and Actual Tides Info - TexasKayakFisherman.com
2013年4月15日 · The state of Texas has not funded TCOON for a couple years ago. Thus you're not able to to see the measured tides for Port Aransas. Depending on where you're planning on fishing use either Rockport or Packery Channel gauges. For instances, if you're fishing LHL subtract about an hour from the Rockport gauge to know when high/low tides are ...
Predicted vs Actual Tides (and temperatures)
2003年7月20日 · Attached is a link to the NOAA site which shows actual vs predicted tides. Also included on some of the locations are air and water temperatures, which are interesting to compare after this last front blew through. Unfortunately I did not send this out earlier so the time when the front hit is about to fall off the chart.
launching/fishing galveston causeway bridge
2010年7月26日 · Same thing in reverse if the tides are incoming or the wind is different. In other words plan your trip around the causeway and Tiki based on the tides and winds and you will have a better night out. I like to go about 8 PM and the bite starts at about 8:30-9:00 pm after the sun sets completely. I use the tides and get to bridge.
Chasing the tides - TexasKayakFisherman.com
2013年4月4日 · From my experience, it is difficult to time the tides there which seems strange being that it is relatively close to the pass. You have a good plan though... Maybe start on the old north state park shoreline near tide time at the pass and work wih the tide toward the lake. Incoming tides in Pringle seem to push fish toward the edges.
Tide Charts... - TexasKayakFisherman.com
2004年7月23日 · I fish when I can. I go when it is good, bad or so-so. I always check my tides, the water levels, the wind and when the majors and minors occur. these are all just pieces of the puzzle to consider when choosing where i will fish. Where i choose to fish depends on many things. When i fish the marsh water level dictates which piece of marsh i fish.
Mouth of the Brazos Advice - TexasKayakFisherman.com
2010年6月13日 · Cadiyak Sam TKF 1000 Club Posts: 1587 Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:05 am Location: Central Texas, Galveston// Manta Ray 11// Jackson CUDA// Team Turtle Head
Homemade Tide Gauge ? - TexasKayakFisherman.com
2004年3月16日 · Pick a few near you. Set up your gauge with zero being about a midpoint estimate of tides in your area. Go out at noon and record the level on your gauge, then look at the data from the nearest gauges off the NOAA site for the same time. Repeat that over time and you will get a feel for the delays for high tide and low tides in your specific spot.
Harold Well's Fishing Forecast Chart - TexasKayakFisherman.com
2004年10月25日 · Yaklash TKF 10,000 Club Posts: 12028 Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:15 pm Location: Houston Heights
Drum Bay fishing - TexasKayakFisherman.com
2016年2月26日 · The tide times there are tough. I can't say I've got it down pat. It sometimes seems to track about like Eagle Point way over in Galveston Bay. Christmas Point tides can be pretty informative, too. It seems to miss some of the minor tide level, 4 tide days, changes. Several years ago I used to think Drum Bay was pretty much about redfish and ...