Lest We Forget: Air Antisubmarine Squadron 28 (VS-28)
The new squadron, known as the Hukkers, was formed from a segment split off from VS-31 and equipped with Grumman-built S2F-1/1S Tracker carrier-based twin-engine antisubmarine aircraft. Assigned to Antisubmarine Carrier Air Group (CVSG)-52 on board the USS Wasp (CVS-18), VS-28 deployed off Guatemala during a political crisis in late 1960.
AIRANTISUBRON 28 (VS-28) Deployments & History - HullNumber.com
AIRANTISUBRON 28 (VS-28) at HullNumber.com - Specs & Deployments - Crew Roster - Photos - NEW -> ALL HANDS - Internet Links - Reunion Info
Category : Anti-Submarine Squadron 28 (United States Navy)
2015年9月14日 · Anti-Submarine Squadron 28 (VS-28) was an aviation unit of the United States Navy. History: 1 June 1960: established as VS-28 "Hukkers"; 1985: renamed "Gamblers"; 1 October 1992: disestablished.
VS-28 - Viking Association
VS-28 - Gamblers: Air Anti-Submarine Squadron 28 was commissioned on 1 June 1960 at Naval Air Station, Quonest point, Rhode Island. Presently home-based at Naval Air Station, Cecil Field, Florida, the squadron mission remains to provide an organic carrier based, all weather, airborne force dedicated to counter the enemy submarine threat.
VS-28 war eine diese neuen Staffeln die am 1. Juni 1960 aufgestellt wurden. Als Teil der CVSG-52, zusammen mit der VS-31, hatte die VS-28 den Leitwerkscode AS. Bis 1963 machte die VS-28 fünf Einsatzfahrten auf der CVS-18 USS Wasp mit ihren S2F-1. 1963 erfolgte die Umschulung auf der S2F-3S (S-2E).
vs-28 airantisubron was based at nas cecil field with the lockheed s3-b viking jet aircraft. the vs-28 squadron was called the "gamblers" until we decommissioned after our final deployment on the uss forrestal. commander stanton c. greenawalt was our last commanding officer (co) & commander robert a. buehn was executive officer (xo).
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AIRANTISUBRON 28 (VS-28) Reunion Info - HullNumber.com
VS-28 Crew Roster . HullNumber.com's mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. Registration and communicating with shipmates at Hullnumber.com is FREE FOREVER. We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you...
[NBA]常规赛3月16日:尼克斯VS勇士 - 央视网体育
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VS-28 Gamblers Squadron Patch – Plastic Backing - amazon.com
2021年7月19日 · Air Antisubmarine Squadron 28 (VS-28) was established on 1 June 1960 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island. The new squadron, known as the Hukkers, was formed from a segment split off from VS-31 and equipped with Grumman-built S2F-1/1S Tracker carrier-based twin-engine antisubmarine aircraft.